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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by maryjane👌, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. So my mom said I changed a lot in 2 months and I haven't smoked in the 2 months and she said I was being different I have ADHD that's the reason why I was acting more hyper Because I wasn't smoking and she's said think about what u are doing or if u are taking anything to make u hyper so I'm assuming she means weed but she is open minded she has know for a while but never said anything my uncles smoke weed so she knows u can be successful and smoke should I just come clean and tell her it helps
    Me concentrate more in college and helps me focus?
  2. If your over 18 then im the king of fucking England.
  3. u assume I'm not 18 because I still live with my parents I know a lot of ppl that still live with there parents at 18......
  4. #4 Dankleberrys, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2014
    i think it was the lack of a full stop.
    Tell her what you want dude, being an adult means you can do whatever you want, just justify it to her any way you see fit.
  5. Tell her to drug test you, then ask her to take you to the doctor for the ADHD.
  6. Thats sad. Don't try to defend your age by sayin lots of ppl that stilll live with there parents at 18... If your to pussy to Figure out if you should tell your mom yourself and ask GC what they think, you probably arnt 18.
  7. My son has ADHD and is on 2-3 different types of meds.. Do take prescribed meds ? 
  8. #8 dankness420, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2014
    Maybe come clean tell her what you said in your original post.  I can easily see how weed would dramatically help someone with adhd, making all those prescribed meds useless basically. 
    Also I don't know your mom ofc, but I don't think she would be upset that you smoked 2 months ago so I doubt you would get in any shit...whats there to lose?
    I am 21 and live with my parents, what you think about that Mr.King
  9. That post made no sense. You haven't smoked in 2 months, yet you have something to come clean about? Kid, just be straight up. You aren't even being truthful here, so fuck ya, no help from me.
  10. Move out you useless fuck
  11. Haha if you only knew.
  12. I'm sorry that was harsh
    If you're going through a rough patch then aye, what can I say
    But if you simply haven't left yet, original comment stands
  13. #13 dankness420, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2014
    I live 2 mins from work, we have a large house and I pay a good portion of bills, I have lived other places before but this place benefits everyone. 

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