Need advise

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by pl8k10, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. firstly there's the whole out door aspect unsure on this growing method, wondering is there any adequate info GC may respond on ; basic thinking mainly a single, upfront forward techs.
  2. how bout you read all the stickies
  3. yea did that already good advise
  4. i've prolly got the answer but i've only got this one Cfl but it does seem to be doing the job should i invest in some 42watts?would it be a good investment to mix spectrums cause i was thinking they would cancel eachother out like positives and negatives do can some one reply on this theory of mine?and has anyone seen the homemade light holder and cover awsome job they rep. it fully
  5. jus 1 more ? if a plant is a male can your turn it into a hermi so that it wont me a waste?

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