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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shimmyshakes, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I can't find weed anywhere. I know it's all around me and I heard through the grapevine some names of sellers just from around school, but I havent talked to any of them. I don't really have any friends that smoke except one. She kind of changed and she started doing harder drugs, so I haven't talked to her in a while. Actually, I'm not even sure she smokes anymore and I don't think she'd be cool asking her to sell me some. I also don't have a car and it's like 20 degrees out with snow so I can't walk any where.

    There's this other kid that I say hi to every now and then. He's, well, a pothead and doesn't hide it. haha. Should I ask him to hook me up? What should I say? I'm shy and don't know if I'll have the confidence. I don't want to look nervous or sound stupid.
  2. I've got terrible social anxiety. I find it helps just to blurt what you want to say out before you have time to think about it. Commit yourself and just say it.

  3. just ask him, if he smokes weed im sure he would mind helping you get some

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