Need advice on HPS

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by BigMac123, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. I have a grow box height of 73cm, I'm planning on growing 1 plant within this space and am thinking about using a 200watt HPS light to do this.
    With 2 fans within my grow box and an extractor fan (could even invest in some cooling ideas for the HPS)
    would it be ok to have the light only about 5inches from the canopy as I want to maximize possible height? or would this still be too hot with all the fans etc ? 

  2. ugh... step one:  build a growbox that isnt 73 cm.... microgrows are an exercise in futility.  They are fun if youve done it 100 times but i promise you will fail to get where you want to go first shot with an hps in that space.
    back to the drawing board 
  3. Dont do this unless you like fire

    Build something bigger WAYY bigger
  4. 73cm is ~28 so I would say no on hps. May be possible with a led. How wide is it? You are gonna have to do some major training if you want it to fit in there
  5. [quote name="Bootfullofbuds" post="19356056" timestamp="1389935339"]73cm is ~28 so I would say no on hps. May be possible with a led. How wide is it? You are gonna have to do some major training if you want it to fit in there[/quote]60cm wide, and yeah lst,scrog,topping are all techniques I'm looking into to maximize yield + width of plant.btw Going for an indica strain due to the short bushy geneticsSent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. [quote name="zippy657" post="19353654" timestamp="1389911279"]ugh... step one: build a growbox that isnt 73 cm.... microgrows are an exercise in futility. They are fun if youve done it 100 times but i promise you will fail to get where you want to go first shot with an hps in that space.back to the drawing board [/quote]Stealth grow, this is the only space I can efficiently grow without suspicion.My wardrobe would be perfect I would just get caught...Sent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. I'd do 12/12 from seed in an area that small and pray it doesn't get too big. You have to include the pot height in the calculation so you're looking at maybe a few more inches than a foot and that ain't much room buddy. I wouldn't even waste my time honestly but whatever floats your boat
  8. Mommy or daddy gonna catch you?
  9. Many ppl have completed microgrows in even smaller spaces without the plant getting too big? What's your opinion on CFL's as this seems to be my only lighting option other than LEDSent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. [quote name="Shiva Blaster" post="19356851" timestamp="1389945004"]Mommy or daddy gonna catch you?[/quote]Lol basically yeahSent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. [quote name="BigMac123" post="19356864" timestamp="1389945231"]Many ppl have completed microgrows in even smaller spaces without the plant getting too big? What's your opinion on CFL's as this seems to be my only lighting option other than LEDSent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]I didn't say it wasn't possible. I just said what's the point? Why risk babysitting a plant for 2 months and only get a few grams off it? If your gonna do it, do it big. If "whoever" caught you, it wouldn't matter how big the plant is IMO just the fact that you have a pot plant. My opinion on cfl's. Good in a pinch, good for beginners, good for what you are trying to do. But compared to led's they suck balls. LEDs will give you nice tight buds and cfl's will be fluffy not really that dense and they will never really seem to fill out.
  12. You shouldn't be growing in someone else's house without their permission, period.    Get your own place if you want to grow and do it safely and properly without putting other people at risk.
  13. X2 I was gonna say that but didn't wanna be a dick lol
  14. [quote name="Bootfullofbuds" post="19356904" timestamp="1389946057"]I didn't say it wasn't possible. I just said what's the point? Why risk babysitting a plant for 2 months and only get a few grams off it? If your gonna do it, do it big. If "whoever" caught you, it wouldn't matter how big the plant is IMO just the fact that you have a pot plant. My opinion on cfl's. Good in a pinch, good for beginners, good for what you are trying to do. But compared to led's they suck balls. LEDs will give you nice tight buds and cfl's will be fluffy not really that dense and they will never really seem to fill out.[/quote]I would disagree with the few grams part...I know how ignorant I sound btw lol But cheers for replying anyways, hmm LED's are they overly expensive compared to CFL's? As I'm open to trying anything really :)Sent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  15. [quote name="Bootfullofbuds" post="19356904" timestamp="1389946057"]I didn't say it wasn't possible. I just said what's the point? Why risk babysitting a plant for 2 months and only get a few grams off it? If your gonna do it, do it big. If "whoever" caught you, it wouldn't matter how big the plant is IMO just the fact that you have a pot plant. My opinion on cfl's. Good in a pinch, good for beginners, good for what you are trying to do. But compared to led's they suck balls. LEDs will give you nice tight buds and cfl's will be fluffy not really that dense and they will never really seem to fill out.[/quote]I would disagree with the few grams part...I know how ignorant I sound btw lol But cheers for replying anyways, hmm LED's are they overly expensive compared to CFL's? As I'm open to trying anything really :)Sent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. [quote name="Bootfullofbuds" post="19356904" timestamp="1389946057"]I didn't say it wasn't possible. I just said what's the point? Why risk babysitting a plant for 2 months and only get a few grams off it? If your gonna do it, do it big. If "whoever" caught you, it wouldn't matter how big the plant is IMO just the fact that you have a pot plant. My opinion on cfl's. Good in a pinch, good for beginners, good for what you are trying to do. But compared to led's they suck balls. LEDs will give you nice tight buds and cfl's will be fluffy not really that dense and they will never really seem to fill out.[/quote]I would disagree with the few grams part...I know how ignorant I sound btw lol But cheers for replying anyways, hmm LED's, are they overly expensive or hot compared to CFL's? Just wowondering as I'm open to trying anything really :)Sent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. Soz for repeated replys my phones messing upSent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  18. #18 dishphead, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2014
    jeez you guys all grow plants that are illegal and now you're trying to lay on moral advice? yikes. OP don't listen to these guys. A) you can easily do a stealth grow in a small area, get decent flowers, and good weights. and it doesn't have to be expensive. just look at this:
    and B] don't get caught growing by your parents, grow at your own discretion, tell none of your friends, do your research on proper filtering so it wont smell, otherwise have fun and make a journal for us here on GC.
    and if you want even denser buds than that journal you can use a second strip, I've seen it done and they're super cheap.
    **I remember my first grow**
  19. Its very possible to grow an oz or two in that space but hps is out of the question.
  20. [quote name="dishphead" post="19357281" timestamp="1389956602"]jeez you guys all grow plants that are illegal and now you're trying to lay on moral advice? yikes. OP don't listen to these guys. A) you can easily do a stealth grow in a small area, get decent flowers, and good weights. and it doesn't have to be expensive. just look at this: B] don't get caught growing by your parents, grow at your own discretion, tell none of your friends, do your research on proper filtering so it wont smell, otherwise have fun and make a journal for us here on GC.and if you want even denser buds than that journal you can use a second strip, I've seen it done and they're super cheap.**I remember my first grow**[/quote]Yh man cheers for replying u give me faith lol I'm researching LST,scrog,FIM,Topping and by the looks of it I can achieve great results Sent from my C6603 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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