Need advice on how to smoke

Discussion in 'General' started by libertytoast, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Alright, just moved into my college dorm room yesterday, and it's beginning to look like there's no way for me to safely smoke in it. In the past, my dorm rooms have always been facing parking lots or trees, so I've been able to just blow smoke out my window no problem. But the dorm room I'm in this year is a lot like a motel room, if you can picture that. There's the door leading into my room, and there's a window right next to the little outdoor hall the door's on.

    So, if I were to blow smoke out my window, it would always smell up the hall. Plus, since it's the main hall people have to use to get to their rooms, someone could walk by my window at any time, and the odds of someone seeing smoke coming out my window are a lot higher.

    I know about the Bounce sheets getting rid of the smell, and I can do that easily, but what I want to know is if there's a way to dilute the smoke so people don't see it when it goes out my window, or if there's a way I can smoke in my room without a) smelling it up something fierce or b) setting of the smoke alarm?
  2. Damn bro sounds like you are in a legit pickle here.

    Surely there is a bathroom in the dorm? Go in there and toke up with the shower on with a sploof and a fan running.
  3. get a vaporizer

    or just go explore the wilderness - it's so much more fun to smoke outside in the fresh air than in a stuffy dorm room.
  4. Ghost hit it lol
  5. Dillute? Blow it into a huge plastic trash bag, tie it off then release it wherever you want.
  6. #6 MaltedGrapez, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2009
    Sploof! .. that would help with the smell in the hall part but also when using the sploof you could smoke anywhere in your dorm room just use the sploof and blow your smoke through the back of a fan that is pointed at your open window.... so outside in the hall it will smell like laundry & the smoke will easily be dilluted after being 1. inhaled/exhaled, 2. passing thru sploof, and finally 3. going through the fan.

    Should work! do it!

    oh yah and your fire alarm will not go off. Ive hot boxed a bathroom with a fire alarm in it w/ no problem... the smoke just wasn't plentiful enough or thick or something... i dunno never had a problem with ganja smoke & fire alarms.
  7. the steamy shower thing always worked for me
  8. sploof, or if your a big man hot box you closet and pray no one can smell it.
  9. Had this problem with a few friends last year!
    Buy a nice air purifier! We had one that cost like 100 split up of corse, and wow i mean like smoke goes in fresh air comes out!

    But remember to push the negative ions on or it does not work, made this mistakes a few times, haha we always ended up running out the dorms if htis happened...
    But seriously this thing works
  10. Really? I might have to look into one of those for my dorm room...
  11. Invest in a vaporizer.
  12. Balloons are better.
  13. Trust me the only safe way to smoke in a dorm room is using an air purifier, also just adding for safety, wet towel under the door and your golden!
  14. Fan out the window with a sploof. You should be golden. But I'm liking the trash bag/ balloon idea.. lol

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