My initial idea was to use a Rubbermaid but I figured that would of kind of be a pain Would this be a better choice or erm is this adequate enough for 1-2 plants [ame=] ClosetMaid 898200 2-Door Laminate Stacker Organizer, White: Kitchen & Dining[/ame] 24-Inch wide by 31-Inch high by 12-Inch deep. Thanks
What I would do is go to home depot , Lowes or any big hardware store and look in the insulation section for MYLAR , it looks like reflective bubble wrap but way more durable and easy to cut stape and manipulate to any grow box shape u desire .
Looks good, they have a plastic one about the same size at walmart that i have been looking at. Sterilite 2-Shelf Storage Cabinet: Storage & Organization