need advice! major noob..

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by pipedreamdan, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Backround: so boredom led me to try to grow some herb. i took about twelve seeds i have collected and let them sit in water over night and they all sank the next day. anyway i planted two plots each with six seeds.. i just kinda threw them into a mix of some soil and such. (well hidden in the woods but in areas of good sunlight) i planted today.
    i wasn't serious about growing until i started reading the guides on here and became attracted to the idea of having my own plant and not having to buy :hello:

    so i need help!! i heard stuff about how they can grow to 8 feet? :eek: but i also heard there are ways to prevent this.. so im asking for advice on how to keep these beasts to a managable size, and anyother tips on how to grow this fine herb :smoking:

    i know i will be called noob and told to stop growing because i am not knowledable at all about it, but hey! everyone's gotta start somewhere.
    thanks for reading, please post any advice, words of encouragement, and or tips :D
    also please keep any negative comments out of here.. constructive criticism is good tho!
  2. Start reading grow guides or do a google search - there is a ton of information out there. You could lock yourself in a room for a week reading all there is.

    Start with the basics and seedlings. Learn how to care for them. When you have them grown out (or while they are growing) read the next step... and so forth...

    Good luck!
  3. thanks man. i just need info on keeping the suckers low to the ground lol.

  4. How low is low? Unless these were a genetic 'low' strain you're looking at 3feet tall at least, and a fall harvest.
  5. i looked into LST(LowStressTraining) and i'm probably going to use a form of that. anyother info on caring for them and keeping animals away?

  6. Now you're frightening me.
  7. lol well i wasnt serious about growing until i started reading all the guides and shit. and that was after i planted them lol
  8. LST is used to decrease the height of plant. makes it grows more sideways, and busher.

    You simply tie down the branches to the ground.

    Never tired it with an outdoor crop though.

    Evil :smoke:
  9. thanks man
    i downloaded the cannabis bible and it has a really good grow section. only problem i will encounter is bugs :mad:

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