Hi this is my first grow and i need abit of help.. here are some details. Theres two bag seeds. One is from a sour diesel plant and one is unknown dankage seed. I have 4 CFL daylight bulbs. 23 watts each. 92 watts total... They are 1 inch away from the plants and small two leaves are sprouting already from both plants.(Germed them 4 days ago and put them in the pot yesterday) Are the lights too close to the plant sprouts? Should i move them back another inch or so? They are only one inch away... There in a rubbermaid tote box thing. I'm not sure of the temperature but people said it gets hot in there. I havent started using the fan but ive been opening the lid for a few minutes during the day. I decided to add more rubbermaid boxes stacked up when the plant gets taller(If they do) and add more lights. I have 4 2500K CFL bulbs for flowering already also. I dont have a camera on me but should have the pictures up by tommorrow! PROMISE! I just need some advice and this will be worth it at the end!! It would be bud pornage!! Oh also.. the soil is organic soil but i dont think it has any food in it. I decided to get some food and better soil in a few days... I was reading up on other post about what food to get the plants.. all the 10-405-2302 numbers confuse me???? but can someone tell me some good food for it, like from experience or give me some numbers to look for. I hope both plants are female but if not then that sucks.. lol! but uh i wouldnt mind getting 3 ounces dry at the end of this so if you think i need anything else also say that..!! Alright sorry for the long read.. stoners like to write when there high.
good luck getting 3 ounces dried on 4cfls, i mean im sure its possible its not a lot of lumens hope all goes well though! good luck onn the grow
Try to get some pictures up as soon as you can, it'll give people a much better idea as to what is going on with your plants. As far as bulb distance, I was told between 2 and 4 inches, so you should be good for now, but I'd raise them just a tad.