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Need advice for seedlings

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Catsoncannabis, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Hi all, so I've been trying to get 2 northern lights and 2 blueberry kush to get going for about 37 days now . At first I had a soil mix from mofos recipe which I followed but I didn't add compost in until day 20 or so ( big mistake on my part, was going to make it then add it in after it was ready .) the plants were first stunted at day 15 and I didn't add compost till the day 20, they picked up shortly after that and were looking good until now . I also added Alfalfa meal to the mix when I added the compost. Anyways so it's day 37 now and I've noticed that they have begun to yellow/brown at the lower leaves edges and tips. One leaf tip even appears black .the stems also went more red and the leaves are a little droopy/bendy . The last time I watered was 3 days ago with tap water mixed with aloe Vera . I usually only water every week or so . Temps are at 23-25c during the day , 20-21c at night . Rh is 60% . Any advice is appreciated. IMG_2261.JPG IMG_2263.JPG

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  2. for enzymes, amino acids and vitamins .
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  3. i like to use this soil mix for seeds but i use 1 cup per cubic ft caco3 lime instead of the dolomite because that is what i have. this is something you can mix and plant your seeds in while you wait for the full soil to get ready next time.
    Myself, Waktoo and others have had problems with fresh VC in mixes, especially seed starting...

    i don't want to say i know what your problem is or how to help. i think it has something to do with pH or something locked out or i dunno honestly. the purple black on the leaves makes me feel like something in the soil is off.

    if it was me, i would be mixing up some soil today and getting it ready to transplant after 7-10 days. but i feel a transplant into good soil is what would be best and to knock off as much of this soil that is causing problems so it doesn't get in the pot. i would wait a little bit for better advice tho.

    maybe they'll snap out of it in a week.
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  4. Well actually I got it wrong . Right now they are not in mofos mix they are in that mix but regular composting instead of vc and I added Alfalfa because I thought earlier they were lacking n. i could transplant to mofos mix but I feel that would be too much for them right now . Maybe I should whip up another starter mix ?
  5. Looks light slight N tox, probably from the alfalfa you added recently. You really need to let soil stand for a week or two if you add alfalfa cause that stuff gets hot fast.

    Stay on water only for now until it clears up.
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  6. i will do so
  7. #8 Possuum, Aug 26, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019

    maybe what sc00bZ says is right in your situation or maybe it isnt. who know right? i agree with him. i can show you a picture taken in my grow of one plant out of eight plants, seven of which are growing vigorously and healthy but the one that stands out is similar as yours in that it's short (comparatively), lower leaf is burnt and crispy, new growth is phhhhht. possible common denominator - alfalfa that didnt break down completely.

    all of my current containers ostensibly have the same ratios and amounts of "stuff" but for my problem child i didnt have enough of the mix that went in the other seven containers, which had been sitting for ~10d, and i had to mix up an extra cf of soil, which i did. i let it sit only for around 3d when i plunged my hand in it and felt it only a little warm. i transplanted anyway and now i have a problem plant. it was a very healthy 1pt container well into "plant" stage versus "seedling" stage with a healthy root system. perfect for transplanting.

    there may be 100 different other reasons you're experiencing what you're experiencing but here's something for certain imo and ime, if we use alfalfa we better plan on letting it sit and "cook" (decompose and cycle) because somehow someway if we dont it does seem to cause problems to young and tender plants. maybe it's heat, maybe it's the triacontanol, maybe it's soluble N. idk.

    edit: and, if you're using one of the many mixes around here that include copious amounts of neem meal that too will be a potential problem.

    caveat emptor
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  8. Th
    thanks , good advice , I'll try to do what scooby says and just plain water and wait it out I think .
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  9. so i'm just a little confused. you mixed up peat moss and fertilizers that are not mofo's recipe? the plants were stunted and yellow at day 15 so five days later you added compost mixed with alfalfa? was that a top dressing or did you transplant and mix up the compost with the other soil? They picked up and looked good after that starting at day 20 until day 37, seventeen days after the application of alfalfa and compost? i'm sorry. i'm just getting old i guess. lol
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  10. Yea I made two mixes , ( I just said the wrong one in the previous post ) , one was mofos recipe and the other was a seedling starter mix but neither had compost because I was in the process of making it and thought I could fly by till it was ready . So I planted in my seedling starter mix and they were fine until about Day 15 yea . Then they were stunted. So I did some research and after a couple days realized my mistake of the importance of compost and re mixed then transplanted , also with Alfalfa meal cuz I thought they were lacking nitrogen . Now a few days ago I noticed it again , but haven't posted till now .
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  12. so they are in a seed starter mix? the alfalfa worked for two weeks and now they are having problems again.
    usually alfalfa burns and causes problems right away if you add too much, not 17 days later. just my two cents tho.

    and you only water once a week??

    it took me a while to get watering down but i've never gone longer than five days. could it be possible that the soil just simply isn't saturated enough consistently so the wet dry cycle is mimicing nutrient problems? i think a lot of my problems the past year have been from wet/dry cycles and not keeping the soil moist/letting it dry out and the whole time i was thinking it was due to the compost quality i was getting. i didn't change the compost on one batch and long story short, the plants did great when i started giving them two gallons of water instead of one. i thought two gallons would be way too much but it wasn't.

    maybe the alfalfa isn't moist enough to complete it's cycle so it's causing this damage now? maybe it's just not wet enough for the biology to perform well? i dunno.
  13. I'm
    hmm , I usually water when the plants show they need it . I noticed this yellowing a few days ago too but I thought not too much of it and figured it was just from before until it started to continue on the plants more .

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