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Need advice/ detoxing

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by aquathunder, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. PSA: this is quite long, anyone who takes the time to read this and give their take, i incredibly appreciate it.
    Hello. I have a drug test for my preliminary sentencing coming up this next Monday.(offense not drug related), so they don’t know i smoke(d). I live in a state where weed is legal, but before that i had my medical card. I smoked every day a couple grams a day for roughly 2-3 years. I am 5’9 230 lbs 21 years old. i stopped smoking June 8th, so roughly about a month and a half ago. I learned last week i have a drug test that is crucial in deciding the fate of my future. I took an at home drug test today, and i failed. Well over a month of weed free and i still failed It.i was demoralized. I told my lawyer and he couldn’t believe It, he said he’s never seen It take this long. I purchased test clear’s 3 day detox program last night, It will be here Thursday. I also will probably go pick up a mega clear detox drink supplementary to the detox. I understand the 3 day detox is only for moderate smokers, but given my amount of the time it’s the best i can do. I truly thought i would be clean in over a month so i did not do any detox programs before. What are my odds of passing? I’m scared shitless. I have a moderately active life, during a work shift i can move anywhere from 5-9 miles in a 8 hr shift. I thought that would be enough. It comes with a home drug test, so i will know if It works or not. Also I. D.o.n.t know if i understand how to properly do the detox. Test day is Monday, It should arrive Thursday. Do i want to detox Friday-Saturday-Sunday- drink the mega clear before the meeting Monday 10:30am..or do i want to immediately start It Thursday when It comes in the mail-Friday-Saturday. Drink mega clear Sunday? Again, i apologize to anyone who put themselves through reading this, your thoughts are appreciated
  2. If your in a legal state why is this an issue?
  3. The probation that i want i will probably not get if I’m not pissing clean. The judge is kind of a stickler

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