Not sure where to post this, I just joined this forum to gain insight on a problem I have. My name is Brandon, I started smoking weed five years ago. I never had any problems with weed until about a year ago. Whenever I would take too big of a rip, or take one to many hits I suppose, I experience horrible side effects. I instantly become nausea, my head becomes light, and I have serious amounts of pressure in different parts of my head. Now, many times I would become very close to passing out, like my head would go numb and I snap out of it before I pass out. It had gotten so bad that I stopped smoking. I would also throw up a lot of the times. My heart races every time but i presume that's from being anxious about the whole situation. I took a two month break and came back to it and was fine. Until about a month in I started getting these side effects again. To be completely honest, its a little terrifying, and most of all so annoying that I can't casually smoke anymore. I figure I'd post here before I reach out to a doctor. It can be tough to explain, often my ears feel full. I do have problems with vertigo.
I don't know why it's happening but I can imagine a response from a doctor being pretty similar. "Bad side effects from smoking weed? Stop smoking weed then"
Lol, I know. I figure I'd contact a marijuana doctor or something like that. I really would like to know why this happens and why it never happened the first 4 years i was smoking..
When was the last time you had a normal check up? I'd just go and get the basics checked out, make sure your blood pressure is fine and shit
Everything is fine with me, I play football, I have gotten numerous physicals in the past few months. It's so odd, I understand that when you do get high, you have less blood in your head. It feels like I have just about no blood in my head when this happens. Like i said, it can be really scary at moments. And extremely uncomfortable.