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Need advice about my arrest

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nelra, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. So last night I'm outside smoking a spliff outside a party in the parking lot of a friends apartment near campus. I always roll the bud at the end of the paper away from the filter/crutch for this very situation. So i'm standing in a parking lot smoking and when I'm done i throw the filter on the ground, step on it, and start heading back into the apartment building. As I'm walking away I look over my shoulder for shits and see a cop walking straight towards me.

    Officer: "STOP! What are you doing right now?"
    Me:"Just smoking a cigarette i threw it on the ground though"
    O: "Yeah alright buddy you smell like pot." (as he's searching me for weapons cuz obv I'm armed)
    M: "I was just smoking a cigarette officer"

    So he keeps saying I'm lying and that he's going to bring dogs... He starts searching a bunch of people who were all outside smoking and finds bud on a few. He then proceeds to call backup and has the other officers watch all of us until he finds a tiny roach in this 20 car parking lot like 10 feet away from where we were standing. Obviously it's ours (it was not, I always roll the filter with a piece of the orange zig zag pack, this roach had no filter). As he's writing a bunch of people written arrests for possession <20 grams which carries a max penalty of 1,000$ and 1 year in my state... I could see my roach on the ground the whole time which just makes me even more mad. It was so dark out he couldn't see it apparently, he spent 5 minutes looking with his flashlight right at it LOL.

    So fast-forward to right now and I have 3 options:
    1)Do the 3-6 month Diversion Program that costs 400$ including the expungement process. (drug testing + community service)
    2)Fight it with one of two NORML affiliated lawyers I've contacted (appointments next week). Cost is 1000-1500$ and if I lose the case my drivers license is suspended for 2 years and I still have to do the program.
    3)Fight with my parents free (to me) criminal DA that doesn't specialize in MJ cases...

    So yeah... Here are some pics of what I get to finish before my court date a month from now:

    Attached Files:

  2. 1)Do the 3-6 month Diversion Program that costs 400$ including the expungement process.
  3. 3... it doesnt really even sound like he has anything on you. Just because you smelt like weed doesnt mean you were possessing it.
  4. that is some bullshit fight it
  5. Yeah umm just smelling like weed? NOT illegal. If you had nothing on you, you're gold. Just fight that shit! Good luck! :D
  6. if he found nothing on you id choose option 3
  7. isn's the initial consultation with the NORML lawyers free?

    if the cops didn't find any weed on you and they found the roach on the floor, I think they can't pin that on you can they?
  8. fight fight fight
  9. Yeah most of the lawyers around here give free first consultations... of course they still want money if they take the case.
  10. [ame=]YouTube - (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)[/ame]

    nuff said
  11. So you were smoking a joint in a parking lot and got a bunch of people in trouble?

    What are they gonna do about their charges??
  12. If you're positive it wasn't yours i would fight it and they need dna to prove it. So if your willing to give that up it's a simple mouth swab in most states, just remember to be super polite even i know it's hard. An unhappy judge won't be as flexible. O and have your lawyer mention positive things about your life such as honor roll in school, no previous offenses if you've had none, etc. I only got 30 days jail and a year probation for having 268 grams all individually wrapped and kief processing equipment, I live in Minnesota and fought it with a court appointed attorney. Fight it all the way man.

  13. They were all smoking weed too. I don't really care what they're going to do, only 1 of those people was my friend and she got an alcohol related charge that's getting taken care of. So, no.....
  14. Fight the power son. :cool:
  15. It doesn't sound like they have much on you....if he didn't find any actual bud on you, or paraphanelia.....what state do you live in? Id stay totally clean, and have them test you, and when you come up negative, say "I told you I was just smoking a cigarette" and piss in their faces!.
  16. He's got nothing on you bro. Smelling like pot? Illegal? He's a fucking idiot.
  17. Ye, what he said. Unless you actually admitted to him that you were smoking pot, or he picked up your roach and analyzed it and found that it had THC on it, what proof do they have?
  18. It was sure as hell not my roach. But It could have been someone else's (we had been passing around j's earlier) and in that case my DNA would be on it... that's why I'm scared to fight it.
  19. I never let up on denying that I was smoking....
  20. What state do you live in? trust me, they aren't going to run an expensive DNA test on one roach.....Sounds to me like they have jack shit on you, id hire some good lawyers and sue

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