need addvice

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rasta420bandito, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. ok well thairs this guy that ive brnn going out with for about 7 months and we love each other so muck that it drives me insane anyways he allways does things for me like make homemade stuff and all i do is nuttin so im looking for something the make him any ideas gc?plez reply
  2. haha. a good meal?

    analyze your personality (burning makes this more easy:cool:). try to judge what he likes about you most. then try to emphasize that.

    good luck
  3. Alright here is the single thing that you must do young padawan... Give some fucking BOMB road head. Im not kidding he will fucking kiss your feet forever on after the great act that even god fucking endorses is done. But on a more serious note suprise him with random smoke outs idk
  4. im guessing you want to give him a gift?
    if hes a stoner like you (your on a stoner site ya know) get him a big bong i love all girls who get me that or a good pipe

    well thats me i dont know about him. well if you dont want to get him a present in my fashion try asking his parents what he likes doing or ask his friends just garner the information.

    oh and also type lil clearer
  5. make him some fucking pot brownies... i know for a fact i love any woman that brings me pot brownies... or a card that is handmade and highly decorated i hope it works for ya
  6. Learn to spell..that'd be a great gift.

  7. :laughing:

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