I was recently at a wedding with all my cousins and family, I was sitting at a table with my dad on one side and my aunt on the other side when one of my cousins came up to me and whispered in my ear asking if I smoked and when I told her no she said not cigaretts, I didnt know if it was a trick question or not. I have a feeling that she smokes but am not positive because she also plays Pot Farm on Facebook. What do you guys/ladies think? Would you email them and tell them the truth or just leave it alone?
Yeah its a game on Facebook where you can choose from different seeds and plant them, some of the seeds you can choose from are white widow, white rhino, blue buddha, etc and depending on the seed you choose it will take any where from 2 hours up a couple of days.
Normally when someone asks if you smoke something other than fags, it means they are down to blaze... Especially when it is done by whispering in your ear... If it were blurted out over a table for all and sundrie to hear,on the other hand, then I would start doubting the validity of their intentions.