My name is Tariq pronunced Tah-rick. It's an Arabic name and I've noticed its increasingly diffcult for people to pronounce it. Any ideas on a good nick-name? People used to call me tom
Also, how are you going to establish said nick-name? It's not like you can think up of a nick-name for yourself, thats not how it works. Usually your circle of friends will call you something and it spreads, or if you tell the teacher to call you something different.
well start listenin to him. his name is tariq, and he always says riq-geez and im back for more or something along those lines. just made me think of it i guess. lol. im just spreadin the love
Well it kinda sucks because people somtimes won't even address me because they can't pronounce my name Where did you get goat dick? lol