Need a good air cooled reflector and some bulbs. Help

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by zizou21, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. #1 zizou21, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    Hey guys :wave:

    I plan on growing 1 or 2 plants inside a wooden cabinet. I've heard you can use an HPS bulb through the vegetative phase as well as the flowering phase. Is this true?? I've also heard that you need an MH bulb for the vegetative and a HPS for the flowering, and probably what I will end up doing. However, what should the wattage of my bulbs be? 250? 400? Are there certain brands or types I should be avoiding? Unfortunately I don't see a good guide for this :(

    Will an MH bulb and a HPS bulb fit in the same socket in the air cooled reflector? Is there a good reflector out there that I should try to find? I'm really new here and don't know my way around :eek:

    Also could someone explain to me where Ballast comes into play here. I have no idea how it works.

    Cheers :smoke:
  2. #2 badfish13337, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    For a wooden cabinet, I would say that a 250 should be fine, be aware that you will have a ton of heat building up in there without proper ventilation even with a 250w. As for the MH vs HPS thing, I have used a HPS for the entire grow successfully, and most will agree that the HPS is almost as effective as a MH for veg and flower. On the other hand, a MH would not be as effective for the flowering period as it would be for the vegetative period.

    A ballast is a unit that provides constant power to a HID lighting unit. It will be running along the cord from the wall to the light. An HID unit can be either HPS or MH. Think of the ballast as the little rectangular adapter for a laptop charger. (Even though they play different roles.) It is just used to regulate power.

    Good reflectors are cool tubes, especially for cabinet growing.
  3. #3 zizou21, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    Thanks mate :hello:

    So why would anyone bother cycling MH + HPS bulbs if an HPS will work for the entire grow?
  4. I think you need to read, absorb, become a sponge, read more, then you can do some more reading....Then ask questions. Thanks!

  5. An HPS will work for the entire grow, but growers are anal, and we have to have every aspect of our grows perfect. A MH is the most effective HID to use during vegitative.
  6. #6 zizou21, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    Cool, good to know.

    is this a good reflector to buy? With this i'll be able to use both MH and HPS lighting :smoke:

    High Tech Garden Supply
    price wise, is it reasonable? (99$)

    What kind of Ballast would I need with this?
  7. #7 zizou21, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    I also have another question; If I am following this diagram:

    and I want to get the Cool tube (posted above), how do I link the fan to the reflector? I assume the red line in the diagram representing ducting, but I only see one open end on the reflector.

    Or does that mean I need 2 inline blowers (one for the carbon filter and one for exhausting heat from lamp)


    edit: Or should I be looking for something like this?
    Are EasyCool's good ?? I'm assuming installing a 5KV pulse rated socket myself won't be difficult

  8. You're going to want to use a 6" ducting to connect the fan to the lamp, that figure looks like it will work fine. I would recommend insulated ducting even though the price is a little higher, it will dampen the dull rush of air coming from the room.

    Any kind of reflector will work fine, the air cooled ones are preferred because they can get a lot closer to the plants, and keep your temps down more.

    The cool tubes are actually glass tubes, there are two sides, in order to cool properly, air has to be rushed through, not just to the bulb. You can have more than one inline fan, but instead of having two on the reflector, having one work as intake could also be nice. Remember that the inside of your grow space needs to be a negative pressure, so that air doesn't escape. Odors build up fast.

    Find any electronic switchable 400w ballast, because you need to switch between MH and HPS. And, 99 is about what I spent on my cool tube.
  9. #9 zizou21, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    So, if I am trying to do a setup similar to the diagram I posted, should I go with the easycool and not cool tube? (since cool tubes only have one open end)

    Is there a glass sheet between the bulb and the plant on the easycool? (so that none of the air coming from the carbon filter into the reflector as well as the heat coming from the bulb escape from the inline blower that is blowing the inside air out

    hope that's not confusing :(

  10. Cool tubes have TWO open ends. The Easy cool has a sheet of glass on the underside to prevent air loss.

    Both of these reflectors are the exact same thing, just the cool tube is a straight tube with a reflector on the outside. The Easy cool is a reflector with a sheet of glass on the bottom and two holes on either side. They both function with the exact same principles.
  11. oh, there ARE two open ends.

    Thanks for all the help btw, i wish i could keep repping you :smoke:

  12. Thanks for the rep! Feel free to pm me or ask any other questions in here.
  13. Yes, a cool tube and an air-cooled hood are essentially the same thing, both have flanges at two ends for attaching intake and exhaust venting, and both are designed to be part of a closed ventilation system that passes air over the bulb and takes the heat away.

    The main diff between a cool tube and an air-cooled hood is that the hood is actually a hood, with reflectors pointing downward and a single glass pane on the bottom to let the light out to the plants. A cool tube can be used in this way as well, but a cool tube also can have all reflective material taken out and the tube mounted vertically so that light comes out 360 to plants all around it. With the reflective material on it, a cool tube essentially is just another design idea for an air-cooled hood.

  14. Well put, thanks toasty!

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