Near-death experience

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by FatchoToker, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, this happened to me recently and it shocked me. I barely remember but my friends told me what happened. It's my first post and I want to share this with you cause I almost died... I asked for an ambulance(thank goodneess I didn't get it)

    P.S. I was coughing a lot before I got high

    So I'm with my friends and I hadn't smoked much before only like 15 times haha. So I get a fresh pack and I inhale the biggest outer most hugest toke ever. and then it hit me. I started coughing spazticly. I just keep coughing and Im having a hard time breathing. everyone is looking at me and I just dont stop.

    Im running indoors to get water and i cant swallow it. it just drips down and im having a hard time breathing but atleast i stopped coughing a bit. i lay down in a couch and i cant breath. I wrote a text to my bro to come in the house. I saw the text the next morening and it said. "come into house. I help need." He walks in and i tell him to help me i need an ambulance.

    I lay down in a bed a bit more relaxed but I am STONED. I dont know what is happening to me and my body is losing Frames. Like i ended up in places and i didnt know how. then my friends came in a started hurting me but i felt nothing
    i was getting punched in the face and everywhere and nothing. I finally layed down in my bed and boom i crashed. it was 7 45 pm.
  2. What? A fresh pack? Of what? Weed? Pretty sure they don't sell packs of joints, bro.
  3. A fresh pack of weed in a bowl of a bong? Simple enough?
  4. wrong. I've smoked a few bowls of fresh picked weed. Its fuckin great, nice hits to!

  5. wtf? some friends
  6. My cousin did this once. He bought some strong weed off my friend and smoked a huge amount out of a GB he spent fifteen minutes texting me telling me he thinks he is dying. I found out later he was in a corner upstairs texting me and drinking buckets of water lol,.
  7. sorry i exxagerated. I was like slaps. I dont blame them either. They were calling me pussy and shit and that i took a one hit wonder.

  8. Oh. Sorry, bro. Haha. Guess I'm a little out of it.
  9. near-death is an over exaggeration. I've had coughing fits and seen many with coughing fits like you just had. Let me know when you almost drowned, then we'll call that near death :)
  10. This and, is it just me or is this story a little extreme.. Geez
  11. I admit it is a bit but when you can't breath and your asking for them to call the cops you knwo its serious. Im so lucky nothing happened yet i smoke bud all the time and nothing ever like this.
  12. Your saying you've taken bud directly off a plant and smoked it? If so then you sir, are a moron.
  13. pics or it didn't happen
  14. LMAO!! and wtf kinda friends punch you in your face like that:confused:
  15. Talk about near death, man...I was expecting sharks, you didn't deliver!
  16. Yeah i didnt jump into the sea and perform Jaws but it was very scary at the moment. couldnt even swallow my water. I dont have pics cause i rele dont think i was thinking about taking a picture of myself when i was dieing
  17. Either u cant write or i cant read????
  18. Man that's not called a near death experience, more like newb couldn't handle his shit, weak thread op.
  19. This definitely belongs in "Amateur Tokers"

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