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Near 100% indica brownie

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Weedith, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. I have this almost straight 100% indica bud. Very top of the line indica, gets me very high but no giggles of course. What would a 1g brownie of this bud do for me? :confused:
    Never had anything but sativa dominant brownies. :smoke:
  2. make you pass the fuck out.
  3. make u fall asleep on your couch for 9 hours
  4. Eating your MJ delivers far more THC too your body than any other method. Go slow or say good night.

  5. go slow or thow up in your bathroom for 6 hours. :cry:
  6. does this bug anyone else? "almost straight 100% indica bud"

    im guessing your logic was "my dealer (whos also 13) told me its 99% indica, it has to be true!"
  7. The dude got an indica strain, cmon. There are plenty of non-sativa strains.

    OP I would suggest that you answer your own question and then tell us what happens.

  8. First of all, stop being a dick. Second it's not that fucking hard to tell between an indica dom and sativa dom. You're obviously not new here, you should know how to act by now.

  9. i wasn't being a dick i was playing around.

    secondly i do know the difference

    what he should of said was indica dominant
    my point is that the actual way weed is measured is by thc and cbd content.

    not what % indicia it is....
  10. Except the percentage of a strains cannabis sativa or cannabis indica genetics is directly correlated to thc and cbd levels in the flower buds......pal
  11. I wish I could find bud that was nearly 100% sativa or indica.

    In any case, if you have a dominate indica, don't eat the entire brownie.

    Didn't you just say the same thing?
  12. Buddy you'll be done like the tv show House.

    And by done, i mean like out cold for 10 hours.
  13. Dude, he was bugged by it. Some people are snobby when it comes to weed. Others aren't. At least he isn't calling anyone a faggot or a dick.
  14. Get you high. :D!
  15. Afghan kush is like 90% indica strain

  16. Whooooaaaaaa there little guy, You cant just bounce around the city callin people faggots and whatnot...

    Not cool....
  17. sounds like the couch is going to be your best friend for some time.
    I remember having 3 brownies first year in college. I spent most of the time waking up over and over again. lol
  18. #18 TheZodiac, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012

    also please restrain yourself from using anti homosexual slurs.

    I may be straight, but it's still very rude to that community.
  19. I did 1 gram of some super indica bud last night in a firecracker. I got so baked and couch locked I couldn't move for hours haha

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