jacksonville. what is this? bounce out soon, I hope. I've been back for two months, and I think I'm going to leave. It's terrible here...for many reasons... V__________V Anyway, friends? x3
that was a better response than anticipated. but thank you. :3 i've been through the forums for a few years now...just browsing. what I'm trying to say is that this is a pathetic place to be when you're used to smoking medical for other issues and the product here is absolutely atrocious, mostly. not to mention the lack of chill people...uhhhh. I'm just looking for the chill...haha. Because I'm probably moving soon for several reasons, but if I stay it would be lovely to meet good people who actually live out here in the middle of militarynowherezone.
Nope, just too stoned to realize/too unfamiliar with American geography to make the connection. Sorry to hear Jacksonville sucks.