
Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Internetz, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Is there a button or menu that I can use to view my most recent posts (too keep up with hot threads) or do I just have to find them in the forum selection?

    I'm trying to find a thread I posted but don't remember where...
  2. you can go to

    user CP > my profile > statistics

    then you can click on threads you've posted or posts you've posted.
  3. You can also use the "subscribe to thread" feature found in the Thread Tools menu...that puts a link to it in your User CP and you can opt-in for email notifications. You can also create folders for your subscriptions in User CP so you can separate (e.g.) "Hot threads," "Reference," "Read later," etc :)
  4. cool, thanks guys! :)

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