I’m going to use Nature’s living soil in 2 of my pots my next grow. I’m using 3gal fabric pots .I usually use fox farm happy frog or ocean forest. My question is what type of soil should I use with the living soil. I’m doing two living soil and two without any feedback is appreciated. I have ff happy frog soil on hand and I plan on using that
I've had good success with black gold products as noted above but also with build a soil's organic living blend (they might have others but I've been using this stuff on and off for over 3 years and its never done me wrong) I also just use bag soil like happy frog or Ocean forest as well, bottle nutes vs amendments or top dressing, basically I go with whatever works easiest for my lazy butt and whatever I can get the best deal on. I've run straight organic soil, straight fox farms, and depending on my cuft needs I'll often mix them together. Obviously that's not really "organic" but perhaps useful to know if you short out on a bag and don't want to order another 40lb sack. I've got a couple of journals on here where I detail what I mix and how if you want more details (though I don't consider myself an "organic" grower by any means I'm not above using what works to keep my stash full.) Hope this helps mate and best of luck, I was always too lazy to make the move to full organic.
Unless they pay shipping, no way Jose. A shovel & put some ass into it. I have been eye balling that BAS Colorado ewc's.