Nature provides the most amazing roach holders!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Marooned, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. SOoo I was just smokin a joint and got around to that disappointing part where that shit starts burning your fingers!! BUT THEN!! I SAW!! a pine cone on the ground, lol. I thought to myself, "I wonder, if i stick my roach in there can i smoke all this?". I picked up the pine cone, put my roach between the little flaking bits, and it held my joint till there was almost none left. If there are pine cone trees near you, you should try this for sure.:smoke:
  2. Did you burn/inhale sap?
  3. yeah, but you prolly looked ridiculous smoking a pine cone man..

  4. Rofl who cares? In the end he will be higher than you because he smoked every bit of it. While you are there being a gloomy gloomster with a roach left you cant smoke because its to small.

    Of course if this all happened in the forest....we can use pipes and bongs. lol

  5. haha I thought it looked cool but OK.... lol
  6. That made me crack up, plus rep to you and thread maker for ingenuity.
  7. sounds like a good idea, I'll try it out sometime if I'm walking in the woods and don't wanna have to end the joint early
  8. I usually just put it in a pipe and finish it.
  9. ill usually go in to my sisters room and grab a bobby pin. works like a charm :smoke:
  10. huh, never thought of it like that. might have to try it o.o
  11. Yeah dude inhaling pine can give you cancer, it's noo buulllshit.
  12. really? or are you just bullshitting haha
  13. lol it's prolly bullshit =P but honestly almost everything gives cancer.

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