Naturalistic Humanism

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by xWhitechapel420, May 5, 2010.

  1. I think I finally found a philosophy that I am happy to stick to, and it sums up just about everything I believe in just a few key points.

    What are your opinions on this?
    (Sorry for typing so much, I tried to paraphrase as much as I could)

    Humanism promotes commuting with humanity, not god.

    "We are committed to extending the ideals of reason, freedom, individual and collective opportunity, and democracy throughout the world community. The problems that humankind will face in the future, as in the past, will no doubt be complex and difficult. However, if it is to prevail, it can only do so by enlisting resourcefulness and courage. Secular humanism places trust in human intelligence rather than in divine guidance. Skeptical of theories of redemption, damnation, and reincarnation, secular humanists attempt to approach the human situation in realistic terms: Human beings are responsible for their own decisions." -Paul Kurtz

    1.Nature or the universe makes up the totality of existence and is completely self-operating according to natural law, with no need for a God or gods to keep it functioning. This cosmos, unbounded in space and infinite in time, consists fundamentally of a constantly changing system of matter and energy, and is neutral in regard to a man's well-being and values.

    2.Humanism holds that the race of man is the present culmination of a time-defying evolutionary process on this planet that has lasted billions of years; that each human being exists as an inseparable unity of mind and body, and that therefore after death there can be no personal immortality of survival of consciousness.

    3.In working out its basic views on man and the universe, Humanism relies on reason, and especially on the established facts, laws, and methods of modern experimental science. In general, people's best hope for solving their problems is through the use of intelligence and scientific method applied with vision and determination. Such qualities as courage, love, and perseverance provide emotional drive for successfully coping with difficulties, but it is reason that finds the actual solution.

    4.Humanism is opposed to all theories of universal determinism, fatalism, or predestination and believes that human beings possess genuine freedom of choice (free will) in making decisions both important and unimportant. Free choice is conditioned by inheritance, education, the external environment, and other factors. Nonetheless, it remains real and substantial. Humanism rejects both Marxist economic determinism and Christian theistic determinism.

    5.Humanism advocates an ethics or morality that grounds all human values in this-earthly experiences and relationships, and that views man as a functioning unity of physical, emotional, and intellectual faculties. The Humanist holds as his highest ethical goal the this-worldly happiness, freedom, and progress----economic, cultural, and material----of all mankind, irrespective of nation, race, religion, sex, or economic status. Reserving the word "love" for their families and friends, he has an attitude of "compassionate concern" toward his fellow men in general.

    6.In the controversial realm of sex relations, Humanism rejects entirely dualistic theories that seperate soul from body and claim that the highest morality is to keep the soul pure and undefiled from physical pleasure and desire. The Humanist regards sexual emotions and their fulfillment as healthy, beautiful, and Nature's wonderful way of making possible the continued reproduction of the human race. While Humanism advocates high standards of conduct between the sexes, it rejects the puritanism of the past and looks upon sex love and sex pleasure as among the greatest of human experiences and values.

    7.Humanism believes that every individual must exercise a considerable amount of self-interest, if only to keep alive and healthy, but that altruistic endeavors on behalf of the community can be harmoniously combined with normal self-interest. Thus the good life is best attained by uniting the more personal satisfactions with important work and other activities that contribute to the welfare of one's city, nation, or other social unit. Significant work usually deepens a person's happiness.

    8.Humanism supports the widest possible development of the arts and the awareness of beauty, so that the aesthetic experience may become a pervasive reality in people's lives. The Humanist eschews the artificial distinction between the fine arts and the useful arts and asserts that the common objects of daily use should embody a fusion of utility and grace. The mass production of industrial goods by machinery need not necessarily defeat this aim. Among other things, Humanism calls for the planned architectural reconstruction of towns and cities throughout America, so that beauty may prevail in our urban life.

    9.Humanism gives special emphasis to appreciation of the beauty and splendor of Nature. There is no heavenly Father in or behind Nature, but Nature is truly our fatherland. The Humanists energetically back the widespread efforts for conservation, the protection of wild life, and the campaigns to maintain and extend ecological values. their keen responsiveness to every sort of natural beauty evokes in them a feeling of profound kinship with Nature and its myriad forms of life.

    10.For the actualization of human happiness and freedom everywhere on earth, Humanism advocates the establishment of international peace, democracy, and a high standard of living throughout the world. Humanists, in their concern for the welfare of all nations, peoples, and races, adopt William Lloyd Garrison's aphorism, "Our country is the world; our countrymen are all mankind." It follows that Humanists are strongly apposed to all forms of nationalist and racial prejudice.

    11.Humanism believes the best type of government is some form of political democracy, including civil liberties and full freedom of expression throughout all areas of economic, political, and cultural life. Reason and science are crippled unless they remain unfettered in the pursuit of truth. In the United States, the Humanist militantly supports the fundamental guarantees in the Bill of Rights.

    12.Humanism, in accordance with scientific method, encourages the unending questioning of basic assumptions and convictions in every field of thought. This includes philosophy, naturalistic Humanism, and the 12 basic points I have just attempted to define. Humanism is a developing philosophy ever open to experimental testing, newly discovered facts, and more rigorous reasoning.

    ^^Not all humanists will accept all of these 12 points. Not every Humanist wants to use the phrase Naturalistic Humanism. Some prefer the term scientific Humanism, secular Humanism, or democratic Humanism. There is also a large group who consider Humanism a religion and who find an institutional home in the Fellowship of Religious Humanists. For my own part, I prefer to call naturalistic Humanism a philosophy or way of life.

    I would like to receive others opinions on this philosophy, as well as ideas, and I embrace intelligent discussion and arguments.

    Sorry if you were unable to read all of this, I know it is a lot.
  2. sounds pretty similar to my beliefs...but I don't require any sort of doctrine
  3. I'm down with all of that and i'll swallow it whole but you gotta realize

    that the fact that you exist now means you didn't exist at one point, and this establishes the continuity of consciousness, I understand what you're saying about no immortality

    that this life is your one opportunity with this body but I also think that if you exist now it is inevitable that you will exist in the future, perhaps you will forget all that you know, but as long as someone is conscious, consciousness exists

    and thats all that matters, your consciousness, my conscioussnes whatever its all the same, and I take issues with "humanism" because it excludes extraterrestrial cosnciousness, plant consciousness and other animal consciousness within our planet

    I can only really dig one philosophy


    see how it ends with SIS thats the language of is, of let it be

    see the ISM thats the language of I am, me, mine

    Humanism, i take issues with that word
    be precise with your words, words are sorcery, our source of magik

    [ame=]YouTube - Bob Marley Get Up Stand Up[/ame]

    I suppose it doesn't matter what you call it as long as you get shit done
    cus in the end...actions speak for themselve
    thats some real magik shit right there

    the tao
    the way, the truth and the light

    the relationship

    for sure, poke a stick in the puddles :poke:
    you're gonna learn from nature
    the water isn't still unless you listen, don't move
    watch and listen ya know
  4. I very much agree with humanism. I especially like #9.
    Good post man.
  5. ^ This....

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