Hey blades, I have a single plant under a 150 watt hps. For the past 3 days i've been putting her on a window sill, for around eight hours a day, then I throw her back under the 150 watt for the remaining four. The dimensions of the grow box are 23"W x64"H x56"L, I keep the 150 W about 5-6 inches from the canopy... My question is, will this method more likely increase my yield, instead of keeping her under the 150 watt hps for the full 12? My logic tells me yes, but I would appreciate another opinion.
The lighting aside, your plant sees the pot it's in as the earth, so every time you move it the plant basically experiences an earthquake. So I would think if the sunlight helped out at all, I wouldn't think it would be worth the stress your putting on it. Especially in flowering where, as I understand, is when you have to most worry about herming from stress.
im pretty sure being under the light the whole time would be a lot better. before you listen to anything i say im no expert but from first hand experience plants on the window sill don't do all that well after the first couple weeks. also about every time moving the plant in a pot it causes an earthquake? i move around my plants quite a bit and i dont think it really causes any stress.. still there isnt a good reason to bring it to the window anyway, im guessing the plant will appreciate the hps a lot more
under a light is better even under direct sunlight young plants will lean like they are about to stretch for more light yet under even a 100w cfl they seem to grow much better
wow???......are you kidding??? artificial light (bulbs), better then the biggest actual bulb that exist??? Am I wrong or is there something extra that plants get from bulbs?
the sun might be one of the best light sources but in a windowsill the plant probably wont get 8 hours worth of direct sunlight.. a 150w HPS is pretty good for 1 plant, and you can keep it a lot closer than the sun obviously. if it was a really sunny day and a light beam was blasting through that window maybe you could move it there, but most of the time itd be best to just keep it under the light imo
Thats one thing I didnt really consider because where I'm at the sun is blasting as if it was summer, hot as hell!
Potential damage to my plants was definitely a factor i've consideration, and don't think it has a significant impact on my plants.if there was a wider gap from "A" to "B", sure. But there is about 12 feet from the sill to the cab. Hypothetically, i'm sure that's a variable, depending on the fragility of the strain, but I haven't seen any negative impacts yet. Thanks for the input , much appreciated.
I had a 400W before the 150W so I don't have a previous 150W grow, to compare it with. My last run, I had a family emergency and had to go out of town. I threw my plant by the sill the last 2 1/2 weeks of flower. when I came back, the buds we're at least twice as big and way more dense. However, i'm not sure if it was the particular strain that was just pre-diposed to chunk up in the last stage of bloom, or if it was more to do with the direct sunlight.
I'm not exactly sure the difference between sunlight and direct sunlight. I can say that from 9 to 5-ish the canopy is penetrated with light, in other words, there aren't any shaded branches within that time frame. Whether or not, the 150 Watt penetrates more efficiently is the salient point for me.
keep that son of a bitch under that hps. cannabis doesn't grow in window sills it doesn't get enough light, your definitely hurting the yield and the plant
mostly lots and lots of stretching.. the stem was really long and weak even with a small fan on it. also there was some yellowing of leaves but that might have been unrelated. and just overall slow growth compared to being under lights id say
The winter means they're not getting direct sunlight and the sun is giving off alot less light than what plants need to grow: What Causes The Seasons# I was in astronomy class, and the teacher had us lay a white piece of paper on the desk, gave us flashlights, then turned out the lights, the more of an angle you held the light towards the paper at, the more dissipated the light was, it's hard to describe, just try it yourself and you'll see what I mean, turn out the lights in a dark room, and shine a flashlight at a piece of paper, the higher the angle, or the closer to 90 degrees you are, the more intense the spot of light on the paper, the lower you bring the light to, the more stretched and faded the light becomes, see? Unless you are in the Southern hemisphere, the sun rays just aren't giving off enough direct light spectrum(remember plants don't "see" light like we do, they only take in light in the blue spectrum and the red spectrum, at 2700K and 6500K). Thats why all the plants lose their leaves and go dormant, they can't photosynthesise enough energy when the sunlight is at the wrong angle, so they just shut down basically, until the sun is at the right angle for them again, and then they grow back.
Ok, it took me a few minutes to digest that info, but it makes sense. Especially since I really wasn't accounting for the seasonal change of the light spectrum. So it's really a matter of kelvins, not lumens then. Thanks for clarifying that, as well as taking the time to put together such an informative post.
no matter what you arent going to get shit out of a plant in the window sill it just doesnt get enough light... cannabis need direct sunlight for at least 12hrs, you dont get that in a window sill. not to mention all the light that is absorbed/reflected from the window. i dont see how you could think that it would be better than leaving it under direct hps light
THE SUN = 140,000ish LUX plus is has the full spectrum. 150w HPS around 10,000 lumens of warm(red)light. The sun is always better. Better than Plasma lighting and plasma is the best that we have made yet. Just dont be to rough with the plants and this will help your babies. Remember that a grow room is a controlled environment. so be sure that you don't move the plant into a bad spot. Spider mites may be forming their 8 legged armies (yes 8) to conquer your girls.