Did you hear that NASCAR is producing the prequel to to the Billy Bob Thornton movie "Slingblade"? Production started up this winter here is an outake for all you NASCAR insiders Carl: "Mmmmmmhhh, Errrrrr" Little Boy: "Carl, I like the way you talk" Carl: " I like the way you talk to, Ward Burton" Little Boy: " Do you think when I grow up I can race cars in the Daytona 500?" Carl: "Mmmmmmmhhhh, Errrrrrrr. I like the way you talk to, Ward Burton."
You keep this up Pops and you're gonna out rank me in non-pot related subjects! I guess I'm a #8 fan this year since the ol' man ain't round no more. That and I got him on my fantasy team, even though he did'nt help out much, and the rest of my team got caught in the BIG crash, (sound familiar?) So I'm startin in the cellar. That's alright. I'll be patient. Work my way thru the pack, jump on opportunities and try to catch the lead draft. (oh e'nuff already!) 'Member when Ward did his first TV ad with Jeff? Had 3 words to say; "Older, but faster" They came out; "Odder bu fastuh In this day of media darlings, ya gotta love stuff like that!
I'm glad to see my joke didn't go over everyone's head. For those that don't follow NASCAR, Ward Burton has a distinctive voice that reminds me of Carl from the slingblade movie. An all-around good guy but a very deep, slow, southern accent that reminds you of molasses pouring out of a jar on a cold morning.
ward's a hell of a driver though, but you're definitily right. i'm not the biggest Jr. fan and i really can't stand Gordon. my driver is #18 Bobby Labonte.
Same here Jaxx81, even though he ain't having a good year. Oh what the hell, there allways next year.
damn, i didnt know u ppl liked nascar. my dad loves that shit and does the fantesy racing. its kind of annoying cuz he collects the toy cars ? weird ass. i cant stand listening to ward burton talk.
i kinda feel bad for Gordon cause his wife is splitting up with him and basically taking half of all he's got which would suck since none of it's really hers, but at the same time i can't stand the dude. so i'm kinda like, "haha." and the Jr. it seems like everyone is just likes him cause of who his dad is. i mean there's more to nascar than just those two.
Been a long time NASCAR fan. Right now I'm really into Matt Kenseth. He's been doin me some good on my fantasy team. I was leading our league til they got on the concrete at Dover! Freekin 2 of my 4 team members out early with blown tires and into the wall! Can't wait to get back on the asphalt! Company sponsored car was at our plant the other day. He fired it up for us! DAAAAYUM! I think the flywheel caught on 1 tooth before that sucker fired up! I love the sound of a high compression engine! Could'nt figure out a good way to drag that dude outta the car and take a couple of laps around the parking lot! So my racing career will have to reside in my dreams for now!
those cars are loud as hell, my dad took me to a race at the tx motor speedway? and that shit was REALLY loud...and i cant stand tobacco smoke so it wasnt all that fun. i'de rather go to a concert.