Name the things wrong with this picture...

Discussion in 'General' started by DankestKush, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1 DankestKush, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    i spy with my little eye....

  2. That's one hell of a headtrip. :smoke:
  3. Looks like one guy is getting head. And two guys are bangin the girl leaning over on the

    left hand side of the pic.

    Im waiting for someone to make a comment about the women not being in the kitchen :p

    EDIT: Idk there was 3 pics. Looks like it could be considered subliminal messaging to an extent.
  4. nobody see anything? some of them are obvious as fuck. i dont wanna point them all out.

  5. #5 daviji, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
  6. Hand/body/champagne bottle/poolstick placement. Creative!
  7. I'm sorry, I can't see what's wrong with the picture,

    because all the sexual imagery is in the way.
  8. you forgot 2

  9. ..... So are all the sexual acts what is wrong with these pics? :p
  10. First picture, someone left an unfinished drink on an obviously abandoned table. Only pussy's don't finish their drinks. :)
  11. The only thing I see wrong with these pictures is that I'm not in any of them.

  12. /thread

  13. Well, they aren't necessarily "wrong" but subliminal.
  14. lmao that was jks

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