Name The Blizzard

Discussion in 'General' started by Drivenone, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. The radio around here is calling it Snowmageadon. It's too wussyish for my tastes. I like Snowdemic, because everyone is going to get sick of it, but it's too weird. SO I've come up with,

    SNOW '11
  2. Here the alley has 5 feet of snow and while the Village was trying to get a plow blade or something from the park building the transformer started popping and the cops ordered everyone out of the alley.
  3. what state you in
  4. I'll call it... I'm glad I have plenty of food and drugs until I can drive again.
  5. Either "Shit!", or "Fuck!".

    I hate snow
  6. Blizzomenon

    Your welcome.
  7. Snowpocalypse


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