Let's play a game fungus nats or root aphids? And how the fuck to fix it reasonably Sent from my SM-N920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Aphids have cornicles which are two smokes-stack like structures on the last segment of the insect. These cornicles are unique to aphids and no other creatures have them. no cornicles = not aphids. From a quick glance those are gnats but i'll keep digging into my books. Edit: Also very few aphids are winged. Food for thought.
Winged aphids have rounded bodies while fungus gnats have pointed bodies. I figure this will be the most helpful if they are winged aphids
Looks like gnats to me. Get rid of them by watering with a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water. Good luck!
I killed the fuck out of them with seven dust. Root drench and on plants. Saw a big difference the first day plants started praying immediately after thought I was doing some thing wrong but they look good now and no flyers Sent from my SM-N920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Can you add the perlite on top of wet soil? I watered my plant and then realized it had gnats chilling in the soil and flying