Name something that gets passed around?

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by MrCrispy109, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Type it like this:
  2. fucking ninjas:p

    your sister:smoking:
  3. Herpes. Joints. Chlamydia. Money. Aids. My mother. Your grandmother. Get the big picture? Your grandma has Herpes, bro.
  4. Whores. Weed. Crabs. Glonnamydia, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, sweet tea, Christmas cheer.
  5. A bottle of gin
  6. Every female in all of your families
  7. Blunts . Bullets
  8. Joints, Blunts, Bongs, Bowls, almost anything marijuana related. STD's, babies & most importantly FOOD!
  9. The human race
    Life I general
    Hell idk
    A football
  10. My ex girlfriend..

    wait what?
  11. the concept of swag
  12. #19 RedEyesHigh420, Feb 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2013
    Political inside jokes-- they get passed around amongst the upper echelon, supposedly unbeknownst to people like you and I.



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