Name some good things Democratic presidents have done for America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sequel, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. I'll start it off.

    Lyndon B. Johnson- Freedom of Information Act
  2. #2 DayDreamin, Jan 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2012
    Barrak Hussein Obama - extended Bush tax cuts.

  3. I'd say that was bad
  4. John F. Kennedy

    So good, the CIA killed him
  5. William Clinton. Balanced the budget. +surplus

  6. Well, I would say it's better than what he really wanted to do, and that is raise taxes..
  7. Cuban Embargo? Vietnam War? Federal Reserve?

    So many good things i just cant decide.

  8. That is actually a myth. They didn't actually balance the budget they took the money out of Social Security and wrote a bunch of IOUs so basically they used your retirement money to "balance the budget." The debt actually increased while the budget was "balanced." I say "they" because although Clinton was President Congress was Republican.
  9. Grover Cleveland he fought against imperialism, big government and corruption. He was actually above the two party system.

  10. I'd say its time to get the tax burden off the Middle class and even it out now.
  11. I'd say its time eliminate the tax burden entirely no more IRS no more income taxes no more big government!
  12. Carter. he invented peanuts!
    Ford, he invented stairs!
    Clinton, he invented the dress stain!
    Obama, he showed us all that the bipartisan DC game is nothing but a distraction for the sheeple (look at the carrots ya silly sheeple...) Same coin, two faces, heads they win, tails 'we the people' lose.

  13. No taxes means no government. No government means anarchy. Anarchy turns into communism, dictatorship, monarchism, and various other forms of complete government control. Strange how complete opposites like anarchy and totalitarianism are so closely related.

  14. Totally disagree with your logic. Anarchy does not equal totalitarianism. But anyway what do you think the government did for revenue before income taxes? Remember the 16th amendment passed in 1913 is what authorized income taxes. So what did we do from 1776 to 1913 was there no government then?

  15. huh???

  16. No federal income tax =/= no taxes
  17. From FDR: Social Security, the FDIC, lots more.

    During the Obama administation my favorite "good things" include the emergency extension of unemployment insurance to 99 weeks, and the COBRA temporary medical for the newly unemployed. Thanks again, Obama!

  18. Anarchy is not the same as totalitarianism. Anarchy leads to totalitarianism- that part I find strange since they are complete opposites on the political spectrum. Im amazed how easily it can be to go from one extreme end to the other.
    Look at civil wars over the course of history. An uprising starts and anarchy sets in. The state of anarchy is extremely unsafe. There are no laws and people act chaotic and it's dangerous to live there. In many cases, these people look to the same people that led the revolution. And those who less become dictator. It went from monarchy/dictatorship to anarchy then back to dictatorship again.

    You said you supported no taxes. If there are no taxes there is no goverment. And I explained to you where no government leads^.
    I do not support the income tax. Government has other methods of collecting taxes and they did so from 1776-1913. Your assuming that income tax is the only method they have for collecting taxes.Clearly it is not since the republic lasted from 1776-1913 without income taxes.

  19. Income tax is not the only federal tax.

  20. I swear it's like looking under the x-mas tree with you people...


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