Flying right now , hoping it would of gotten my creative cells flowing.. but it didn't.. I need a name for my vaporizer coming in tomorrow, and if anyone could come up with a cool name for a generic glass pipe that'd be awesome. Theres the vaporizer, it's just a standard one off eBay.. Suggest away my fellow stoners.
Cute. Thought the same thing but I plan on using it 50% of the time, so it's appropriate. Thanks for your pointless reply though.
trust me when i say this, it will come to you once you have a hit of it. that's how i've named all my pieces.
You have to get high off that then decide it's name... What your doing now is the equivalent to trying to name your sisters baby.
call it... vape. "hey wanna smoke out the vape?" or if you need more creativity black box. "hey wanna smoke the black box" there no need to name a vape.