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Name a reason why you like to get high.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Loner Stoners, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Try not to be overly general, and a little specific
    1. It helps me analyze my life and further see where it can go.
  2. Because after a long 12 hour shift, there is no better feeling than smoking a bowl on my couch while watching sports center...
  3. food, sex, music
  4. [ame=]YouTube - Feels Good Man[/ame]
  5. helps with ADD, i can actually have a single thought rather than 100 at once
  6. One of my main reasons is that I like to get hella blazed and draw up some crazy ass art work.
  7. Its better than sleeping pills

  8. oh yeah and this. ambien; so much better than weed! according to gov...
  9. I like to get high because you can turn troubles into positives
  10. Do I really need a reason to get high?
  11. I was thinking unisom/benedryl and jack danials...
  12. What is this world coming to!?!?!

  13. I know...

    If I had to have a reason to smoke, it would mean my life is in a big mess...

    I just smoke for the smoke, you know what I mean?

    I smoke because just because I can...
  14. For the inevitable adventures that come with smoking in a community
  15. i can live better
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  16. #17 windowPanes, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    it's the only True anti-depressant/anxiety cure for myself. + helps my say the least.

    alllso a Great motivator (even a gooood heavy indica dom) and well....Improves my fuckin' Quality of Life! hahaaa

    well..this too kinda, my life Is a big mess... but i maintain an open, more Positive outlook on my "mess":D:D:D:smoke::smoke::cool::cool::D
  17. It feels amazing, it settles my stomach, and it lets me see the world through different (redder) eyes.
  18. Mess... everyone's got one... we're all in one big mess...
  19. such a beautiful mess life can be though, specialllly w/ da weeeds
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