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naked rolling

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by weirdguy007, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. ok heres a tip for rolling around anti weed hating works, and it saved my ass a couple of times..

    if you are at home, go to your room. now take off all your clothes. No face away from the door, and roll, man, roll. if anyone comes in they'll just think you're beatin the meat!! really works, and ideal for bathrooms too! good luck and stay safe

    p.s. ---

    if you have the opportunity and the inclination, enjoy that jay or blunt in the nude! Quite freeing

  2. Umm...I'd rather just go to the washroom, roll, and say I was droppin a deuce.
  3. [quote name='"Harman"']Umm...I'd rather just go to the washroom, roll, and say I was droppin a deuce.[/quote]

    Agreed but nice one op

  4. I suppose that could get the desired effect, though I often to not smoke jaints, it would be harder to conceal the 3 foot perc XD
  5. i would rather get caught rolling a j than get caught pleasuring myself.
  6. This is a great thread.

    I hate rolling while im nervous, cause other people are in the house.

    Now all my paranoia is gone and I can forever roll in peace :hello:
  7. Rolling a blunt while taking a shit is multitasking at it's best
  8. or you could just say you're changing. don't have to use an embaressing excuse lol
  9. Well, at least you're living up to your name...
  10. #10 fucking baked, Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2011

    inb4 you best start believing in troll threads cause your in one
    everyones seen that picture, it hasnt gotten funnier

    inb4 several pages of troll feeding

    inb4 the same fucking thing
  11. but.... i love rolling around anti weed hating people.
  12. Your name describes you well.... but not a bad idea I guess
  13. Not hard to hide with a penis of my caliber
  14. your skin also holds the odor better, so your going to smell great when you walk by them later
  15. Where are you gonna put your weed if they need to use it right afterwards? If you stash it somewhere in there you're fucked if they find it.
  16. roll? what the fuck does rolling on the floor have to do with beating off?
  17. hahaha op is original. Dont stop op. keep it commin

  18. I usually travel around my house with pants on. Pants have pockets.
  19. or if you get pulled and cant stash your stuff shit your pants and blame speeding/other traffic violation on you trying to get home and change, and i bet they wont want to search you cause the stink haha. but seriously id rather ruin some pants then get a felony
  20. This is an awesome idea. Had I known about this when I still lived at home I'd def do it.

    [quote name='"TheMightyKush"']or if you get pulled and cant stash your stuff shit your pants and blame speeding/other traffic violation on you trying to get home and change, and i bet they wont want to search you cause the stink haha. but seriously id rather ruin some pants then get a felony[/quote]

    This leaves me under the impression that you can shit yourself on command? If I had that ability I'd probably do what you suggested lol. "My eyes are bloodshot because I've been straining trying to keep this shit in!!!"

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