NAACP Endorses Oregon Marijuana Legalization Measure TokeoftheTown / 8,10,2012 Measure 80 Replaces Marijuana Prohibition With Common-Sense Regulation The National Association for the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP) Alaska Oregon Washington State-Area Conference (AOWS-AC) has endorsed Oregon Measure 80, the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act and calls on voters who are committed to equality and civil justice to vote for Measure 80 on this November's ballot. "Our nation's long, tragic, failed war on drugs has taken a disproportionate toll on people of color," said NAACP AOWS-AC President Oscar Eason, Jr. "To right the wrongs of the past, we need to end the drug war immediately and replace it with a common-sense approach. WA State Commission on African American Affairs Oscar Eason, Jr., NAACP: "Our nation's long, tragic, failed war on drugs has taken a disproportionate toll on people of color" "I call on Oregon's business, civic -- and especially its religious - leaders to add their voices to the coalition getting behind Oregon Measure 80," Eason said. In July 2011, NAACP president and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous delivered an historic resolution calling for an end to the War On Drugs. As Jealous said, "Today the NAACP has taken a major step towards equity, justice and effective law enforcement... These flawed drug policies that have been mostly enforced in African-American communities must be stopped and replaced with evidenced-based practices that address the root causes of drug use and abuse in America." Oregon Measure 80 would regulate the production, distribution and sale of cannabis to adults 21 and older in Oregon, using a similar state-licensing model to the one Oregon currently uses for regulating and taxing liquor. The statute is expected to save law enforcement more than $60 million every year in marijuana-related activities, which would allow law enforcement to focus on our communities' serious public-safety threats. "As the nation's oldest and largest civil-rights organization, the NAACP's endorsement of Oregon Measure 80 sends a strong signal to mainstream voters that replacing failed prohibition with effective regulation both makes sense and is the right thing to do," said Roy Kaufmann, a spokesman for Measure 80. To learn more about Oregon Measure 80, visit
It's not that they endorse drug use, it's just that it's painfully obvious the drug war is being used in many cases to target minorities. I know the black churches support prohibition but they need to look at the numbers.
This may help take out some of the opposition to ending prohibition,,,while church leaders may not support legalization they may try to avoid any racist connection by supporting prohibition.
is that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People??? All the civil rights movements and all the advancements that the black community made didn't change the "colored people" in would think they woulda changed that by now....but, go try to call a black guy colored and lets see what happens..