N deficient? or pH lockout??

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by ItsFriday44, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Hey guys I just started my first grow with a couple of bubblicioius seeds from Nirvana and now two of my babies are starting to turn yellow. They're about 2 1/2 weeks old and I know the cotyledons are suppose to fall off but the first set of true leaves are also doing so in the process. I don't have a pH meter at the moment because I am low on funds but I do have a liquid pH tester. the color of the drain off from the two appeared to be dark yellow which is around 5. i flushed them with the proper pH'ed water but they were still dying 2 days later. so i gave them a light dose of grow big and its been 24 hours and still no change. whats going on? Sorry for the bad pics by the way..from the cell


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  2. it could be ph but i would wait at least a day or two to see a response from nutrients or feeding you gave like the Grow big...it will not show right away in 1 day...sometimes it takes a day or two...my guess is your plants were getting hungry...you should be fine man..

  3. after looking at those pictures your leaves are sticking straight up....normally my plants who reach for the light are generally healthy but damn those leaves are sticking straight up...hope someone who can shed some light will stumble upon this thread...i am curious myself now
  4. Yea they're doing that also. But as of right now the grow big did not have an effect and the leaves are getting more yellow each day. so I'm guessing that it is pH lockout. Can anybody else help me with a diagnosis?
  5. 2 1/2 weeks old in the party cup, they probably need some fresh soil and a feeding ! But only guessing since you dont really know your PH .. Have you fed yet?
  6. Just the grow big a couple of days ago
  7. Guys I came hold today to find 3 of my oldest plalnts looking pityful. All of there leaves were drooping horribly so i went ahead and transplanted them into 1 gallon pots. hopefully there is a change because i did notice that all of the were rootbound at the bottom.
  8. its not a lack of nutes. most likely its ph related. and whats your watering schedule. you might be overwatering.
  9. I water them every 4 days. Now there starting to perk back up a little from the transplant but I still have my fingers crossed.
  10. do you have a ppm meter?if not you should get one so you would know how much of nutes you are giving them.plus your soil should have some nutes in it already so i think mos def its a ph issue.
  11. ok gotcha. are there any brands i should be looking for with the pH meter? ppm meter?
  12. i.ve heard a lot of good thing about Hana meters.spending a little extra 50 bucks is worth more than you think.

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