Weed is a gateway drug. Right because I sit down and smoke a bowl and think man I need to score some coke. Hell no. I have never seen a stoner hurt anybody to get high
Tobacco/Nicotine kills weed plants? I've heard it from so many people but then again one of my good friends had a flower pot he would throw all his cig butts into and he threw in some seeds and one of them sprouted...
Cracking your bones gives you arthritis. Tbh I don't know if this is a myth but I read something recently that disproved it
Actualy I saw a show with that guy from Dirty Jobs and they had him lick one side of a clean piece of glass and a dog lick the other side then some guy from a local Unviversity used some type of device on the glass to determine the bacteria levels on the glass from him and the dog. The side where the dog licked it had less bacteria then the guy from Dirty Jobs did.
[quote name='"tplat"'] Actualy I saw a show with that guy from Dirty Jobs and they had him lick one side of a clean piece of glass and a dog lick the other side then some guy from a local Unviversity used some type of device on the glass to determine the bacteria levels on the glass from him and the dog. The side where the dog licked it had less bacteria then the guy from Dirty Jobs did.[/quote] Less bacteria cultures but there are more dangerous bacteria in their saliva. Count is not everything. And saw that special too. Was pretty good.
[quote name='"THCandroid"']i hear if you step on a crack you'll break your mothers back[/quote] I think thats more of a fact and less of a myth?
[quote name='"Streetlight545"'] I think thats more of a fact and less of a myth?[/quote] i dunno, im not gonna test it and find out though
Here's a weird one.... I've heard about this TWICE from two different older stoners in my area. I actually have thought about making a thread about it before, but didn't want to go to the effort. It doesn't deserve it's own thread anyways. One day, a few years ago, I was walking around my neighborhood toking with an old family friend who is his early 60's now, but was in his late 50's then. The guys an old stoner and partier, a hippy way back in the day. While walking around we saw a house that hadBLUE light bulbs for flood lights/exterior lights on their house. I've seen peoples houses who had blue lights before, and have since, just thought it looked cool. But my old stoner friend tells me that "blue" or "green" exterior lights like that on a house used to mean the people are cool inside and smoke weed. I obviously ask him what he means by it. He goes on to tell me that back in the day, in the 60's and 70's, people put blue or green or trippy light bulbs for their exterior house lights to tell other hippies and stoners that they were cool, that it was a safe house. That you could crash there or look for cool people to hang out with, etc. Almost kind of like underground railroad markers use to be on houses during slavery lol... the lights are a way to tell other stoners and hippies that it's a cool house. I obviously don't believe him when he tells me this. I try to explain, that yes.. people who put trippy light bulbs for their exterior lights are probably more likely to smoke weed.... but that I didn't think it ever was used as some secret hippy code... But....a couple years later, I'm smoking with a friends Aunt who used to be a smoker and a hippy back in the day too, and she tells me the exact same thing that other old stoner did! These two people don't know each other, I've never heard this myth other than from these two people, and yet they tell me the exact same stoner urban legend. I've asked other tokers who live in other areas if they've heard of it, and everyone I've asked says no. So it's like this weird little regional toker myth here in my area. I dont believe in it of course... but now every time I walk by a house that has blue bulbs for porch lights, or green foglights, or anything like that, I do take a second and wonder about it lol.
I may be going out on a limb here, but I believe the OP was asking about myths and wives tales related to growing. This is the growing forum, after all... Here is my list of the first 10 myths and wives tales that popped into my head: 1) You can tell something about an MJ seed from looking at it. Well, it's true you can get a pretty good sense if it's viable or not, but otherwise the external size, shape, color, appearance of spots or stripes or not, or anything else visual about the seed tells you nothing about the gender, strain, or potency of the plant it will grow up to be. 2) Aluminum foil as reflective material in your grow space causes "hot spots" that will burn your plant. Not really possible. First, the light will have traveled to the wall and then back to the plant, after that distance the energy intensity is diminished. But second, the only way foil could create a "hot spot" is if it were shaped into a perfect concave with a mirror finish and was perfectly aimed at one spot on your plant and if you did not have a fan keeping your plants blowing around. No, foil is bad simply because it isn't as reflective as flat bright white paint or true horticulture-grade mylar. 3) Water droplets left on the leaves will act like a magnifying glass and burn your plant. Sorry, but MJ has been dealing successfully with water droplets since way before we came around. 4) Emergency blankets you can buy for $2-$3 in the camping section of Walmart are mylar and work just as well as the expensive mylar that comes on a roll. Actually, those emergency blankets are not mylar (but they are manufactured in a similar process), but they are manufactured to reflect heat not light. They are so thin you can actually see right through them. Flat bright white paint reflects more than these space blankets, you get what you pay for. If you want mylar you want it to be horticulture-grade with a mirror finish, comes on a roll, and is at least 1mm thick. 5) You can change the gender of your plant. No, gender is genetically pre-determined in MJ. None of the techniques purported to influence gender work on MJ, such as changing the light period, changing the pH, changing the temps, or adding banana peels or other sources of ethylene gas. This myth is based in some fact, but that doesn't make it even 1% correct -- some of these techniques have been shown to work and change the gender of other kinds of plants. But MJ's genetics work differently than almost every other plant, and with MJ gender is pre-determined. 6) pH doesn't matter. Many people dismiss pH because they don't understand it or because they think a good pH meter is more than they want to spend. Or, in some cases, because they never worried about pH before and didn't have a problem therefore it's a non-issue. But none of that changes the importance of pH. Basically, the pH level "opens" your plant's roots to be able to uptake nutrients. Each necessary nutrient has it's particular range for uptake, but the generally agreed range that uptake virtually all needed nutrients is 6.4-6.8 for soil, about a point lower for hydro. If your pH is outside of this range then certain nutrients are not being absorbed, even if you are delivering them in the ferts. People who have grown successfully before without worrying about pH have been lucky that the interaction of their water, nutes, soil, and amendments resulted in an on-target pH. But pH definitely matters. 7) You need 100 watts for the first plant and 50 watts for each additional plant. <Sigh> Here is an example of an actual rule of thumb that made sense at one time, but it's been applied to very different circumstances and truncated of key details, so it ends up completely wrong. First off, you really should be concerned with neither watts nor number of plants when determining your lighting, you should be thinking of how much usable light per usable square foot. Measuring usable light is surprisingly difficult, the most readily-available measurement is lumens. And usable square foot means the footprint of the light matched to the size/shape of the canopy of your plants. Whether you grow a lot of little plants or fewer large plants, you can achieve the same yield per square foot, so the issue isn't number of plants but square footage. And since some people will not get watts out of their head no matter what, we still can use watts as a proxy for lumens if we know what kind of light we are talking about. This last part gets ignored by a lot of folks. Basically, the old rule of thumb for HID lights is 50-100 watts per sq foot (and many apply one plant per sq ft as a benchmark to convert this to number of plants). This was before CFLs -- then CFLs came along and turned out to provide the right spectra for growing without too much heat, so they became grow lights as well. But the proxy of watts to lumens for HIDs does not apply to CFLs. HIDs are about twice as efficient as CFLs at converting watts to lumens. In other words, CFLs needs its own separate proxy, that is effectively double the HID proxy. Put simply, 100 true watts of CFL isn't how much your plant needs, it is the bare minimum (because it takes 2 watts from CFL to equal the lumens put out by 1 watt of HID, and if 50 watts is the minimum HID then 100 actual watts is the minimum CFL). Perhaps the rule should be 100-200 actual watts per plant for CFL. And as far as the 50 watts for each additional plant, that assumes that you are hanging the CFL bulb so that it is doing double-duty, shining equally on two different plants. CFLs have low intensity, so if a bulb isn't very close to a plant it isn't doing it much good. Many who use CFLs don't configure their lights to take adavantage of this fully and end up over-counting the amount of light they are providing. And even if you are properly utilizing the 50 actual watts per additional plant, that still is only the bare minimum level. 8) You can tell the strain of a plant by looking at it. I love the posts where people ask, "Does this look like Blueberry Hash Widow Chronic AK-Cali Haze Skunk Thai? My buddy gave me this plant and told me that's the strain." In most cases you cannot tell anything really about a plant's genetics by looking at it. Even fat vs. thin leaves doesn't necessarily mean indica vs. sativa, most strains around today are hybrids anyway and potentially can exhibit a range of phenotypes. 9) You can tell when a plant is ready to be harvested by the color of the pistils. Pistils can turn from white to a darker color (red, orange, brown, purple are all possibilities) for a variety of reasons. It will happen as the plant gets older, but it isn't a sign of actual harvest time. Just like some people go gray in their 30s and some have dark hair into their 80s, it's an indicator of getting older but not of any particular point in development. To know when to harvest MJ the only reliable way to know is to check the trichs under magnification. 10) A fan will cool the air. Many growers have a 90F growspace and don't understand why the fan that is closed up in there with the plants isn't cooling the room down. But all a fan can do is move air. To cool down a space, fans are used to move cool air into a space and exhaust warm air out of it. But the fans didn't cool down the hot air, they moved it out. We humans feel cooler from a fan, even in an enclosed room, because we release excess heat through our pores and sweat, and a breeze speeds up the evaporation of our sweat and dispersion of that heat. But plants don't work that way, you need true ventilation to cool a growspace. There's many more, but those are the first few to jump into my head.
yes, but marijuana grew outside "before we came around". that means the outside air dried the plant faster, the sun moved instead of sitting in the same spot for a couple days, humidity may be almost nothing, etc etc definitely not an issue for outdoor grows, but it can be damaging to an indoor plant under certain circumstances.
How bout, "it makes you lazy" personally I have adhd and I get energized and the creative juices start
People who have grown successfully before without worrying about pH have been lucky that the interaction of their water, nutes, soil, and amendments resulted in an on-target pH do you drink tea? I urge you to measure boiled tap waters pH before and after you add the plant material. A herbal infusion should have a better pH for drinking, and there's not even any worms added to it.