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Myth or not?: Coughing makes you higher after a huge hit

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by meekmillMMG, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. So I've heard people say coughing will get you higher after you take a pull (huge or not) and some people really don't know if it does or not, so I came to the only place where I'd likely find an answer; Grasscity :cool: Lemme know what you guys think! :D :smoke:
  2. From personal experience, yes it does. But as a stoner, my personal experiences pretty damn warped.
  3. I think Beause when you cough it's usually after a big hit, vs if you take a little hit you wouldn't cough. So when people get stupid high after coughing it means they just took a bigger hit.
  4. [quote name='"viper98"']I think Beause when you cough it's usually after a big hit, vs if you take a little hit you wouldn't cough. So when people get stupid high after coughing it means they just took a bigger hit.[/quote]

    Thats what ive always thought. Correlation doesn't mean causation
  5. Can't argue with experience. I think it's cause when you cough a bunch your brain doesn't get enough oxygen so you get that extra little rush
  6. [quote name='"ap23le"']Can't argue with experience. I think it's cause when you cough a bunch your brain doesn't get enough oxygen so you get that extra little rush[/quote]

    ^that. Lack of oxygen makes you get "higher" and the bigger hits part too.

  7. These together.

    Big hits get you higher and the lack of immediate oxygen gets you light headed.
  8. I think it's because when you cough you are taking in way more oxygen than normal, giving your self a head rush that you assume is the weed.
  9. While coughing you're expelling a lot of air, and not in-taking as much as you would be had you not started coughing in the first place. This gives you a little head rush as your oxygen levels are lower, and then when you take that first big breath, a lot of fresh, oxygenated, THC carrying blood rushes to your head and you feel higher. It all mellows out again after a while.

    Try this - get your heart rate up (doing squats or something), then once you can feel your heart beating faster, squat down as low as you can do and exhale all of your air, and don't take a breath for 10 seconds. then, inhale as much as you can, simultaneously springing to your standing position as quickly as you possibly can, and stick your thumb in your mouth and blow out as hard as you can. No air should escape, you're just putting a lot of pressure to your head.
    This will deprive your brain of a lot of oxygen, and look out, you'll probably lose your balance and fall without realizing it.

    A long time ago my friends were doing this when they would get high and when they fell over they said they had a 2 hour dream, even though when watching the other do it, they were only "unconscious" for like .5 seconds, like midway through their fall. Then they said they felt 20x more high for the next half hour or so, then the high dramatically mellowed out.

  10. Don't ever recommend this to anyone.. You realize how many brain cells you're killing, knocking yourself unconscious like that? Even if it is for half a second...

  11. EXACTLY what i was gunna say
  12. Brain cells I'm killing? I don't believe I mentioned myself in my post.
    Well yeah, everyone here puts the emphasis that even holding in a hit for 10 seconds is dangerous, I doubt anyone would actually ever try this. Again, it was several years ago and these guys were... well, as you can infer.
  13. [quote name='"ap23le"']Can't argue with experience. I think it's cause when you cough a bunch your brain doesn't get enough oxygen so you get that extra little rush[/quote]

    This is correct. Not enough oxygen. The same lightheaded feeling happens when you cough too much while sick, too.
  14. dont do this, my friend almost died doing this

  15. This isn't as dumb as the pass out game.... tried it once, never again >.> but yea everyone else hit it spot on the combination of big hit/lack of oxygen.

  16. So you kill some brain cells? You make more and you dont use near all of your brain. I never understand why people always think this is a big deal

  17. It's a big deal when you have nothing to gain from it. Only something to lose.
  18. brain cells don't grow back and you use your entire brain, just not all at once

    so yeah, it's a pretty stupid thing to do
  19. I think it gets me higher. Cuz thats when i know i hit the good shit.
  20. I find that I cough, I clear the ever-present gunk in my lungs, and get better effects. I dunno, I always hear "if you ain't choking you ain't toking" and while I don't want to cough, I usually walk away blitzed.

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