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Myth: Did weed get stronger overtime ?!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 420dopeaf, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. me and my grandfather toked up this morning and he said how he hated smoking new age dank, because it got him way higher then he liked to be. At first i thought he was saying this just cause he's old but he explained to me that in his prime the dank was much less stronger then it is now. it leaves me to wonder Did bud get stronger over time ? some believe so some dont.

    Btw congrats to me on my 420th post ! woooo hoooo ^_^ Grasscity fucking rules bro . i gotta smoke a blunt to this :smoke:
  2. Yes, the thc content in the strains we have today are a lot higher then back in the day.
  3. Growers really know their shit now
  4. No. If you had the same type of equipment available back then you would have just as dank bud. The only reason it's "stronger" is because we have perfected the growing process and genetics. People just planted a seed and cared for it the best they could. But that doesn't mean they couldn't grow dank bud. They just needed the right equipment and information.
  5. [quote name='"Iluvatar"']IF you're getting higher than you wish to be, just stop hitting the bowl[/quote]

    he only smokes joints&vapes . No bowls

  6. this.
  7. yes.. all it takes is a botanist who loves to smoke to increase potency... the better the grow conditions the better the THC content..
  8. Yeah people who grow nowadays are much more informed than previous generations of growers. As everything about marijuana comes out, more and more people will learn how to grow better stuff.
  9. yup it just keeps gettin better! been smokin for 10 years heres to the next 10!!

  10. Ridiculous statement. So in 10 years we will have bud that has like 40-50% THC? The truth of the matter is that even in the 50s and 60s, if they had the right equipment they could grow just as dank bud as today.

    Do you seriously think the % of potency increases over time? That's not the case.
  11. the bud was always good. but people have perfected methods of growing it :smoke:
  12. Well the majority of people didn't get stuff as dank as we do now but i've heard stories of people still getting super dank stuff back then it just was extremly hard to find a good grower.
  13. The most potent stations were as potent then as they are now. It is just that you can find top quality bud all the time now. Closer growing and improved distribution are probably the biggest reasons why it appears to people that weed is stronger nowadays.

    And they trim way better now. Looks matter I guess lol
  14. My uncle said the bud I get now is the best hes had in his life and he's 40 something so i'd say yea. But its because people know more now like others said.
  15. Yes we will have 40-50% eventually because that's how it works..a grower will find a mutant that's stronger by even a few percent and use that to make more and eventually get one even higher..we're already pushing 30% thc go try and find a landrace that's 30%..go look at sensi's, thseeds, ect old crosses and they're all like 10-15%

  16. Yep the growers have new techniques nowadays we don't get seeds like they did decades back.
    New and improved techniques=better bud
  17. I've heard that weed had a higher cbc ratio than today... that could have something to do with it?
  18. Modern science and new improved growing techniques have made some serious dank, but now breeders are crossing over difrent strains with higher thc content, so i say is all of the above.

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