Mysticism, Spirituality, Shamanism and Self Attunement

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by blipy, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. #1 blipy, Jun 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
    So let me start off by saying I have been smoking Cannabis for about 9 years now and for the most part multiply times daily. Cannabis was the first drug I have used besides tylenol and stuff like that.

    I started when I was 14 and in my first few months of experimenting with cannabis it brought me extremely huge waves of insight about myself, cultural influences and society as a whole. My first thoughts on Cannabis were "Well this clearly is some sort of tool that is helping me learn essential things about my own development while simultaneously destroying all of the terrible cultural conditioning I absorbed over the years that has brought me nothing but overwhelming anxiety and shame." When I first started I would always smoke alone then meditate for hours and come out the trance feeling like a fucking fortune teller or something hahah.

    Now once I got into my drinking phase I started to use Cannabis just to get fucked up. My drinking phase only lasted about 1 year but I continued to use Cannabis as a drug to just get fucked up on and my use of it increased dramatically. Somewhere during my drinking phase I feel is when I formed an addiction to Cannabis. Needless to say all those experiences that brought on huge waves of insight and positive feelings of self attunement were replaced with, well...just feeling high.

    It's been 4 months now with no smoking. This is the longest I have ever gone since I have started and when I did stop I was smoking 3 grams of very prime buds a day. These last 4 months have given me much time to think. I thought a lot about why there was so much more meaning from those early experiences. I thought about how I saw her and our partnership as well as how I approached her as a sacred tool with out even knowing it at the time. I thought a lot about how when we finally do have another encounter that I don't want to go back to using her as just a chemical to get fucked up on and how I want to rekindle that friend-teacher relationship.

    I'm sure many of us have met many different people who use Cannabis in many different ways. Let me say I'm not trying to convert, shame or tell anybody your wrong in anyway. I'm simply sharing what I have realized from my own experiences. All of my friends I try to talk to about this kind of stuff can't relate in the slightest. But all of my friends drink moderately and were all introduced to alcohol long before cannabis.

    I really would love to hear your thoughts and your own experiences.
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  2. I had a similar experience growing up thanks for sharing.

    Nowadays i use cannabis maybe once or twice a week or every 2nd week and i have profound uplifting experiences that teach me a lot about life and the plant itself. This way i am not abusing the plant and actually learning from its teachings instead of the daily abuse to "escape reality" how most teens would do it.

    It has become like a psychedelic for me well it ultimately is a mild one but yeah the less often i smoke the more amazing the experience becomes especially when your not going to waste it on video games or TV or social media instead doing something worthwhile that will actually benefit your life because everything in that moment is amplified by 10 - 100x more so everything is heightened, awareness, senses ect..

    The term "getting high" didn't just come out of thin air, you literally vibrate higher so you see clearer pictures and able to tap into deeper thought patterns and ideas :)
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  3. Interesting experiences gents, thanks. I agree with moderate use, it is not an every day thing. Once in a while, it is a very beneficial healing tool that needs to be used with respect. Cannabis is one of the 'entheogens' like peyote, ayahuasca, etc. Entheogen literally means 'the Divine Within' and these wise plant teachers help wake up & nurture that part that is within all conscious beings. Sadly, it has been corrupted and made illegal by those who wish to keep humanity in the dark, but those days are not forever.

    Like you said, it's good to not 'waste' a high by zoning out in front of screens or a dumb movie. I like to be outdoors and have a fire, watch the stars maybe mediate. It always helps me appreciate what i love doing much more deeply
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  4. For me it’s about the intention. If you are intending to connect you will, but you have to truly get out of your own way on this stuff.
    I tend to get more connected when I’m clear headed. I don’t smoke too heavy but I smoke all day everyday. I also have spent years studying spirituality and have focused most of my life to becoming the best version of myself. It started as a curiosity and eventually became a practice and a ritual.
    So, I suggest you start by reading up on some stuff like Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsch to get an idea of how one connects and possibly finding a group to get high with and talk about this glorious shite!
    You’re on the right track though. Follow your heart my friend.❤️
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  5. For me it’s about the intention. If you are intending to connect you will, but you have to truly get out of your own way on this stuff.
    I tend to get more connected when I’m clear headed. I don’t smoke too heavy but I smoke all day everyday. I also have spent years studying spirituality and have focused most of my life to becoming the best version of myself. It started as a curiosity and eventually became a practice and a ritual.
    So, I suggest you start by reading up on some stuff like Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsch and try to find a spiritual center to help guide you. Mostly follow your intuition. Stay blessed friend
  6. That's great that you have a healthy relationship with Cannabis. Like with any material in life It's a good idea to distance yourself from them, as an experiment. I used to vape everyday as a crutch and it got to the point where it became very dysfunctional as it slowed my mind and kept me very demotivated and did not help me with anxiety. It essentially controlled me. Now a days I vape maybe once in awhile, some times to relax or sometimes just to help me sleep. essentially in ways that enrich my life. I think you may find water fasting valuable as well to help rediscover your relationship with food.
  7. So true my friend.
    We as grown ups should teach this to all children on the planet how to use cannabis the right way.
    They should teach this in elementary.
    An old wise man said to me that hemp is still ready to help mankind out.
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  8. I think if you only use a super sedative Strain you would run in to the dysfunction slowed mind feeling. Especially over indulging and daily use of it. Cannabis can help with anxiety daily if used correctly and with the right Strain.

    Unfortunately everyone is different so it takes a bit of trial and error to figure out what works for you best.

    I found what works for me is to mix it up. Get a hold of about 7 different Strains even if only buying a gram a piece and use a different one every day or whenever you feel like one Strain over stated its welcome. Like sometimes even the Lemon G that I love gets to me after 3 days and I start feeling groggy and foggy and sick of it in a way. So the next day I'll use Cherry Diesel. And bam. Snaps me out if it and I feel amazing and with a totally different high.

    Also get yourself a pure CBD Strain or even a 20:1. And on the days you aren't feeling THC either just use that or mix it with on of your other strains for a less intense high. These are just some things that I've found that work for me and allow me to use daily.

    Also for me I found a good hybrid does the trick over a pure Indica or Sativa. I love the effects of a Indica but I always end up feeling sort of hung over the next day from them. And then with a pure Sativa I get anxiety especially in the first 30 min of it. Which if I just used those examples I wouldn't be able to use every day either and id feel like a train wreck.

    And terpenes have a lot to do with it as well. But I'm not going to get to deep into that instead just state again that's it's an individual trial and error basis till you find a good 7 different strains to switch it up with during the week.

    Once you figure out your own recipe and able to use daily you find it can really help and be very beneficial and spiritual. And even change your life.
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