mystery plant, cannabis??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jonol33t, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 jonol33t, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    hey guys i know its not mj when i started this i was pretty high and for some reason i thort it was thank you for your time
  2. here are some pics

    Attached Files:

  3. looks like weed to me lol
  4. You couldnt be a grower if you think thats what you think it is.:confused:
  5. Looks like a weed to me..
  6. i havnt grown in 3 years.... and u dont think it is??? ok then thnk u
  7. Dude, you and whomever else "thinks" that is mj seriously needs to visit the eye doctor!
    I would bet my grannys life that aint MJ. ( lay off the herb for a while.)
    Although it is "a weed", but nowhere close to "the weed".
  8. Not weed bro.

  9. That weed has no resemblance to any marijuana plant I've ever resembles a dandelion more than it does cannabis

    I think if you ever actually grew marijuana, you would know don't forget stuff like that
  10. ok thank you all :) i guess i am just high lol
  11. that is not mj... pull it...
  12. lol sorry all just had a better look and in completely wrong :( my bad lol have a good day :wave:
    Toke on:smoke:
  13. yeah i know man... already pulled lol i just went out and had another look b4 and doesnt look at all like one :S i musta been pretty high b4 haha
  14. lol im such a tard i meant to say looks like A weed. I just typed looks like weed. my bad
  15. Cool, my grandma lives on. lol
  16. 14 replies to determine this is not indeed cannabis.

    just wow.

    and how paranoid do you have to be to black out your fingers?
  17. hahahahahaaa
  18. lol well i wasnt going to... and then someone told me that i should :confused: lol awell

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