
Discussion in 'General' started by OsoGreen, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. hahaha, come on...i know you're not all too cool have one.
    i've been thinking i dont have enough stony friends on there.
    i've heard of other sites like mypotspace. com and what have you,
    but those are all pretty lame.

    so i thought i could use GC to meet some myspace people.

    add me:

    feel free to add your URLs so we could all get to know one another a little better, see some faces and crap.

    : ]
  2. Yeah I had a myspace, for like a day. Its all about Facebook now.
  3. haha, facebook...
  4. i have both, haha
  5. I don't have a myspace anymore, i use Potspace. basically its myspace for stoners (like us!)
  6. i tried that potspace. com too, but not enough people use it, it needs more time to start up, like no one's heard of it. and besides i'm more versatile than simply herb. i also like beer : D
  7. Someone made a thread like this a couple months back. People started getting banned beceause they posted their myspaces and it said "16 years old" "17 years old"
  8. i hate myspace with an unbridled passion. i got a potspace but never really set it up.
  9. don't use it as much as i used to due to all the fucking spammers, but if you wanna add me or w/e just let me know you're from the city.
  10. that's their problem, not mine. retards...

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