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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by myoldid, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 myoldid, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Hey all, I decided to share some pics of some of what I've smoked before and what I smoke now.
    I don't have medical so these are off the streets or off of good friends/connects, mostly mids but sometimes some pretty good stuff, not like medical quality but still pretty beastly.

    Pics are uploading right now, some are off my DSLR but most are off my camera phone, quality is ok but I hope to take more with my DSLR, as I can manually focus on the bud and have depth of field and everything.
    I'll update when they finish uploading, my connection is kind of slow atm.

    Ok they just finished uploading, so here we go.
    This is some mids I got off the street a little over a year ago, some random dude who just looked like he'd be carrying. around 8/g (Canadian dollars, which is currently higher than USD)

    These I picked up with my buddies around spring last year, pretty good stuff, got it all on camera phone.
    Decided to roll it up.

    Got this just before the holidays from my new connect who is pretty legit. Got juicy fruit for 6.5/g and kali mist for 9/g. Some good quality hydro.
    This is a nice lil nug of the mist.
    And the rest of the kali mist nuglets, they were pretty small buds. so cute and fluffy

    Jfruit was much more dense and more of a stoney character. whereas the mist got you ripped, very heady.

    My latest pickup is quite potent, the smell is very strong, very fruity, quite citrusy but a bit spicy too. My dealer called it white chocolate, but its not very white or chocolatey, so I assume he didn't know the genetics and made up a name, but it is very potent, probably a hybrid. Had very big munchies but extremely heady, a couple hits made me feel as if floating. After a few bowls in the vape my buddy couldnt even walk up stairs properly.
    Pics of that coming soon when I get the time.
  2. Bump, now that everything is uploaded and I fixed the image URLs. There's so many more pickups I wish I had taken the time to take good pictures of, but alas this is all the photographic evidence.
  3. Also one of my pieces. sadly she is no longer with us.

  4. #4 myoldid, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2011
    Small update for now, pretty busy so won't get to uploading more stuff for a bit.
    Just a few shots of my grinder's kief compartment and some shots of some stuff I picked that's got a little bit of purple which I thought pretty neat.
    First kief...

    I only have like a really small nug and some shake left of this stuff, great night time stuff. Didn't get a steal from this deal but it wasn't bad either 45$ for 5 grams.


    I still have some of that 'white chocolate' and some new 'Jamaican ice', which don't actually mean anything because I don't know the actual genetics and I doubt my dealer does either haha. But I know it's good stuff from sight, touch, smell, taste and high. For a later date when I'm not drowning in work.
  5. #5 myoldid, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2011
    Well, I got bored and decided to bring out some of the 'white chocolate' for a shoot.
    Picked this up for a bit under 10 a gram.
    Smells really fruity, very citrusy, almost like grapefruit or something. Especially compared to the kali, which smelled much more herblike and spicy. The high is pretty cerebral but is probably hybrid, it gives me mad munchies. One of my favourite smokes, potent, cerebral and delicious.

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