Mylar Help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by FourTwoOh!, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I went to Home Depot today and couldn't any mylar and not much help.I see online when I search it that a 25' roll cocst about a420 on average.I read here though that it's only a few bucks so is that like way too big a roll or just way too big a price?
  2. I got mine at HTG supply online. It is 50' X 50" and it was $28 plus shipping. I got some other stuff at the same time but I am guessing shipping was about $10. The roll is way more than I needed but the smaller roll wasnt very much cheaper. Now if I could hang the shit without wrinkling it.
  3. If you google "mylar roll" you should find plenty of vendors. I got a 4'x25' roll recently that came to about $24 with shipping I believe.

    Don't let anyone talk you into getting emergency blankets in the camping section of Walmart, those don't reflect light well.

    To hang mylar, try self-stick velcro tabs, that allows you to keep pulling and adjusting until you get a mirror-smooth finish.

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