
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bagofdank, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. well i ordered some fox farms soil and got it today this guy sent me a bag of mykos wich ive heardis an awseome growing dditive ive not see a post on here about it yet input htoughts on this stuff
    its a beneficisasl soil fungus that faciliates the breaking down and transporting of nutes to plant roots increases avalibility of nutes and water to plants. SOUNDS good lol

  2. Howdy,
    I use Mycos and Azos whenever I transplant or up pot my plants. It's a great beneficial additive. You only have to do it when you initially up pot or transplant. Good Stuff
  3. Caution: Will Robinson Caution, use only on  1 or 2 plants at first, as a try out
  4. i was thinking it would be bad for flowering time and might invite mould to start on my new buds cause this stuffs technically a fungus

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