mycos question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sosogrow, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. i am about to transplant 4 clones today i ordered the mycos powder from amazon on my last grow i put a couple tablespoons in the hole before transplant question is CAN you use too much myco or will too much mess with ph or does anyone use more than recommended with good results? my promix already has some myco in it can i add it in deeper before i transplant not sure wha the standard is any help is appreciated i should be doing it this evening if the mailman brings it
  2. it says you can amend soil with it to i may mix a little in before transplant then just sprinkle in the hole thanks for the link
    • Like Like x 1
  3. if I need mycos fungi I add a handful of soil from under my lemon tree, maybe a 1/4 cup per pot and mix well in
    as its a natural garden thing it may not be needed
    to see, just dampen a pot full of soil leave covered for 2-3 days and see if any white stuff grows on top
    yeah you can buy it in, but is it 'acclimatized' to your zone that the important bit for me

    I suggest adding a small handful of your local household soil *clean* to a pot as a test
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Why not fill a vile put the plant into it . 100 % straight . Then you will know next time .
    If you use chemical nutrient using it is pointless .
  5. Going organic and followed the directions I was just curious lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Yeah i was playing . Got to give you a hard time . And you made 2 posts OW NO ! .LOL Keep it fun
  7. Besides the mycos was only 2 oz I got jipped just enough for 4 plants no extra
  8. :confused_2: 1/2 tsp great white directly on the roots & 1 tbsp myckos into the hole, works or not??? NO IDEA but that's how I do it. :rolleyes:
  9. I never use that stuff. Let me know if you notice any differences .
  10. Recharge...I am a fan of it

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