My "zebra" bowl.

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Wispa, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I love this piece. Just thought I'd share. Oh, and I was watching LotR Return of the King so that's the prop that got used. The box was nearby and I think it looks nice with white and black. :)


  2. That looks amazing. Nice pickup.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much did it run it you?
  3. sick bowl man :cool: diggin the lower carb
  4. Thank you! I bought it a little over two years ago for $50 at a local shop.
  5. Awesome looking pipe! I have a pipe thats green/black with a similar swirl design. Real nice bro.
  6. Nice spoon, love the carb design.
  7. love it. How much did it run ya? edit: nvm i see how much u paid lol
  8. Sweet lookin spoon man :smoke:
  9. A little pricey... but it looks like some good quality glass :)
  10. Much thanks everyone. :smoke:

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