My White Rhino 1 Gallon Grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SmokeE bear, May 22, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone. This is my first 1 gallon grow so please be helpful and pass some advise ​
    for next time or thing you see to be wrong.......​
    FIRST- Well first we start off with picking the right seeds. For me I put them on the ​
    table and choose from my new nirvana seeds and choose a White Rhino​
    SECOND- Then I took my seed and I put it in a jar of water for about 24 hours then I ​
    checked to see if the seed was floating and it was so i pushed it to the bottom ​
    .......after that I took my seed that has been in water for about 48 hours and I put it in ​
    between a moist paper towel and I put it in a zip lock bag in my dresser for another 24 ​
    hours THEN TA DAAAA.......​
    IMG_1930 (480x640).jpg
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    THIRD-I took my germinated seed then to be planted. I took a red party cup and ​
    made holes on the bottom to let the water drain out when feeding and I put my soil then in ​
    my cup (everyone has there own choices of soil... mines happens to be fox farm organic ​
    ocean forest soil) and pack it in good. after poke a small hole into the soil about a quarter ​
    inch to a half an inch deep (depending on the size of the root) and plant the seed with the ​
    root growing out down. then cover it and pack soil down enough that its firm. Then I like to ​
    wet it and cover the top with plastic wrap and put it in view of the light but not in direct ​
    contact until boom......​
    IMG_1976 (375x500).jpg
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    To Be Continued.... ​

  2. subbed. good luck man. 
  3. you dont really want to pack the soil down really hard.  you want the roots to be able to easily grow without having to work hard to get through the soil.  i dont like using pre-ferted soil either with seedlings.  they look ready to be transplanted.  roots are prob. already circling the bottom of the cup....
  4. #4 Golden Lungs, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2013
    why 1 gallon? u cant step it up to like 3? it just seems like a complete waste of time to be honest you wont yeild more than a halfie and im sure you are going to run into a lot of problems in a pot that size. i see your using a smart pot i belive, which will help it not get root bound but still growing a plant to maturity in a pot that size is kind of pointless.
    and ya ocean forest is a little hot for seedlings go with happy frog next time, i see so many people putting seedlings in ocean forest and i just dont get it. thats something you would want to transtplant into. im sure itll be fine but its just kind of unneccisary and can burn your little baby seedling depending on the strain and stuff.
    oh and if theres holes in the bottom of that cup and your leaving in ontop of the big pot the roots are going to start growing down into the bigger pot and your going to fuck up your whole root system when you go to transplant. id take it off the soil.
  5. Yes def not to hard but I don't wanna make it too easy for my roots to make it don't to the bottom as well as I do want it to breath in some sorta way and it is def ready to be transplanted I'm doing that in a few.
  6. I'm using 1 gallon for a competition. I know it's odd but changing things up does help you learn I'm not worried.
    And for my soil yes that is true and it is possible but I have yet to have any problems with my ocean forest..... I wouldnt use it on autos. For my 2 auto bubbleicious I used some organic miracle grow first as a medium then when I transplanted it to my smart pot with ocean forest soil but thanks for the advise. Imma pick some up today and see how it effects my future seedlings.

    I've also been keeping an eye of how the roots will grow out the cup. They just poped out yesterday and it's vainly poking out that's why I'm doing that in a few min.

    Thanks alot for the advise dude.
  7. Nice. Your a beginner like me. I just ordered my Fox Farm ocean grow. Ha I'm using MG potting mix now. For those in the community is it ok to transplant a plant growing in MG into a pot of Fox Farm ocean soil. Also should I add anything to the soil besides nutes like worm castings n vermiculite or just leave the ff alone n start using the ff trio nutes when its about a month into grow. ..

  8. Absolutely dude. I've done it with 2 of my auto bubbleicious and they are growing quite nice. As a beginner just take all that stuff slow you wouldn't wanna do it and kill your plants or over stress them. That can cause you to change a female seed into a male plant and anyway ffof has worm castings and bat guano so you will be ok.
  9. #9 SmokeE bear, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    Forth- Well as you can tell my White Rhino has started growing nicely and I just transplanted it. its been about a week and a half since sprout.​
    To transplant the way I did I just waited a week and then I filled up my 1 gallon smart pot with my soil, then I took my red cup and checked to see how deep it will be when I transplant it.​
    I don't want to have it flushed with the very tip of the pot just enough where there is about an inch layer of no soil in the smart pot, then have the new soil and your red cup soil flushed so your plant is standing even. ​
    any question ask them and any advice please tell me... thanks​
    SmokeE Bear.

    Attached Files:

  10. Did you add anything else to your soil. I'm reading a lot about perlite and worm castings. .. should I invest in some or just be cool with Fox Farm ocean Grow.

    Thanks yall for the advice
  11. No just fox farm ocean forest dude and, I don't recommend it with all the goods that are already in fox farm soil and, most likely you will be feeding your plants with nutrence so it will be getting what it needs.
  12. #12 SupaaBaked, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    Perlite is fine and actually reccomended for ffof soil to support good drainage. I would add perlite to any bought soil because they never ever ever put enough in there.
  13. Good to know SupaaBaked. Plants are lookin good bro
  14. I didn't know that but im glad I know now. Thanks SupaaBaked
  15. Thanks guys. 20-30% perlite is what you want and i dont think theres any bags that come with that much. Just make sure its not MG perlite because those have nutes in them. Ive only been able to find perlite in one place in my area. Sometimes it can be a nuisance to find some.
  16. So far everything's looking great. I see changes everyday. Imma be posting more pictures up as soon as it hits a week which will be in 3 days which will be when it need another feeding most likely. My white rhino will be hitting 3 weeks of veg in 3 weeks too so come take a look. I maybe be able to check sex.

    Peace everyone
    home cheapo and lowes carries perlite
  18. I found it at lowes, there isnt a home depot around here. The only other store like that in my area is menards and they only carry Miracle Gro perlite and it says on the bag it has nutrients in the perlite so i wouldnt fuck with it unless it was a ph buffer i doubt it but i didnt look at it more after that.
  19. #20 charlesCarnage, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2013
    yeah miracle grow is garbage, oh yeah menards,
    its weird that they dont have just regular perlite...  those places usually have huge gardening sections

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