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My White pistils turned from brown to red

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by cheeko705adub, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Is it normal if u spray your plants with bug x for the white pistils that already turned brown go from brown to red after I sprayed them? will it hurt my plant in anyway? if anybody knows what’s going on I’d apperciate any comments thank you for reading this people and this is my first grow and it’s outdoor my plants popped outta the soil may 26 germinated May 23rd how long will it take till they go into flower? All I have is pistils and there not even white just curious cuz it’d be nice to know if I should start putting them on a 12/12 cycle or if I should just let them be my guess would be let them be and do there thing but I’m not patient at all lmfao but if anyone knows how many more weeks till buds for any advice would be nice

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  2. Your female veg hairs were brown? And they turned red and haven’t flowered?

    Edit: sorry I’m really high and just wanna make sure I gotcha
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  3. Lol no worries and my female hairs came out white but they eventually turned brown idky I figured it was maybe just age or sumthing but I sprayed them with big x today and they when like super red

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  4. Sorry forgot to hit reply my reply is just above this one

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  5. Bug x** not big x

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  6. If you can get 12/12 outdoors every day you can start flowering now. If you wait until the seasons change, it will be ready in maybe october
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  7. Awesome that’s perfect thank you for your help I apperciate it

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