My Weed Theory

Discussion in 'General' started by DJ PiRO, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Well I was smokin on some fine grain and then when I was smoking all kinds of weed, i had a bag with 17 kinds of weed in it, the weed, has percs like in cod 4, some weed burns slow, some go fast, some crackle, and some pop, some some taste good, some taste bad, some get you higher then others, and some of them make you feel like shit. Idk what more to say because I'm so fuckin faded right now, Im not crazy, just high.:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin:
  2. Waiter, I'll have what he's having.
  3. this some good weeeed

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