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My weed isnt lighting anymore!?!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sup Doom, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. the past couple times I wanted to toke up. I couldnt. My weed just won't get lit anymore even when I hold the lighter in the bowl and pull hard for like 3 seconds. I don't know what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. Does your pipe have a carb (a hole on one side of the bowl)?

  3. it doesn't but I've smoked out of it dozens of times and there's never been a problem

  4. is your bowl clogged? try taking out the weed, turn the bowl upside down and blow
  5. Strange problem...sounds like your weed got wet or somit man i dunno
  6. Sounds like she needs a clean. If you have a pipe that you can unscrew, unscrew it and get some peices of wire or anything you can use to scrape all the black sticky stuff jammed all in your pipe.

    If you are unable to dismantle your device you could try poking wire down the bowl and at least attempt to clean it out. If you clean it out proply you can smoke your weed :)

    Also bear in mind to keep all the black stuff (residue or res) as a very small chunk of it will give you a buzz if you smoke it.
  7. is your pipe clogged? [​IMG]
  8. Sounds like wet weed or black gold cloggin up your pipe bro. If you haven't used your bowl often just run it through hot water and it should unclog it for ya, easy way to wipe out the bowl piece too if your OCD like me and clean after every sesh.
  9. well ever since I started smoking it. It hasn't been cleaned. At least not very well. Its a very small wooden pipe and I've tried to clean it numerous times before with wire.

  10. Oh.. dunno about wooden then sorry.. : /

    But what you just said basically lets us know your pipe is indeed clogged
  11. Well sounds like you cannot clean it out if it is wodden. you should invest some of your money in some glass.

    In the meanwhile you could just roll joints, but if you cant get your hands on any papers go outside and peel some bark of a tree and roll your weed up in the bark and smoke it. where im from they are called 'Barkies' not sure if it is healthy though.
  12. ok this is what you need to do put it in the microwave for like 10 second let it get heated up next take it out MAKE SURE ITS NOT REAL HOT dont want ya to burn your self bro ;D

    ok now take some wire run it down there while the rez is hot if you can get a kind of a look on the wire you need to buy you a bong if you can cause the wood eventuley gets so cloged this dosnt work anymore and will be so cloged you cant get it clean lol

    Ok this ones a little more idn odd take it put in a ziplock bag with some alcohol in it and let it soak for a few hours and shake it a lot like maybe a min str8 and that may work also it might catch fire so becareful about that as well ive had this problom a lot my self i had to buy some glass
  13. Get your hot water as hot as it will go, (or as hot as you can stand), and place the bowl under the watter, (turned up full force), while pluggint the carb hole. After you see water running out of the mouth piece, open up the carb hole, and rinse out for 10s. Keep the water running, and place the mouth piece under the running water, (hole up so water goes in it), and plug the carb hole so water will shoot out of the bowl enterance. After it has run for 2-3m, unplug the carb hole, and let it rinse out.

    Next, (using an old pan), boil up 2 cups of water with 2tbsp of salt in it. Boil your piece for 25 miniutes, and move it around the pan regularly changing positions. (bowl up, bowl down, to the left, to the right).

    After doing this, place a couple paper towels on your counter, and use a set of tongs/pliers to pull out the pipe from the boiling water. Set it on the paper towels so the bowl is facing in the "down" position, (like it is when you're banging it on the trash can to empty your ash).

    Wash out the pan, and put it away

    Let dry and for 45 miniutes while wrapped in the paper towels. Blow out the bowl through the mouth piece.

    Congratulations, you now have a reasonably clean pipe.
  14. hopefully you didnt get too blazed and spill cool aid all over your buds bro
    im high as fuck haha
  15. get some ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL you can find it at a drug store, 99.9% is what you want. put a little bit of that in your pipe, give it a shake and rinse with hot water, repeat until your pipe is clean.

    And of course, make sure there is no residue of the alcohol because that shit is in meth.
  16. naw bro, you gotta put that alcohol in your pipe and smoke it...thats how the real ghetto nlggas do it.
  17. nevermind. I made a makeshift steamroller and let's just say beep beep mission accomplished:smoking::s:smoking:moking::smoking::smoking:
  18. I say Dry rip your piece. Thats all you got to do. Unload it. And just dry rip it.
  19. By dry ripping you must mean to just suck in without anything? lol

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